


  • Please indicate whether you are single engaged married divorced separated or widowed .

    请说明一下你是单身、已订婚、已婚、离异、分居还是 丧失 配偶的。

  • A surprise attack widowed the army of its supplies .

    一次 奇袭使军队丧失了补给品。

  • It 's really not easy for a widowed mother to rear up four children .

    一个 寡母要抚养4个孩子 成人确实不易。

  • He makes sure that his widowed mother wants for nothing .

    他确信他 守寡的母亲什么也不缺。

  • Grandpa Quine 's widowed sister Harriet Crellin immigrated and so did her two sons and two daughters .

    奎因爷爷的 寡居的妹妹哈里特·克雷林(HarrietCrellin)带着两个儿子和两个女儿移民到了美国。

  • Pocahontas married the widowed John Rolfe in1614 and bore him a son about nine months later .

    波卡·洪塔斯于1614年与 丧偶的约翰·罗尔夫成婚,9个月之后为他生了一个儿子。

  • She put out the word and found five other women who had been widowed between six months and two years .

    她发出了消息,找到了另外五名 丧偶六个月至两年时间的女性。

  • First her father died leaving her widowed mother supporting the family at the age of 38 .

    第一件是,父亲去世了,留下38岁的 寡母 独自支撑家庭。

  • Marriage was bad enough but to be widowed & oh then life was over forever !

    结婚就够倒霉的了,可是当 寡妇&哦,那就一切都完了!

  • She was widowed with four children to raise when I remember her first .

    在我最初的印象中,她是个 寡妇,有四个孩子要抚养。

  • Widowed women for reasons not entirely clear fared almost as well as married women .

    有关 丧偶妇女的结果与已婚妇女大致相当,对此原因尚不完全清楚。

  • His second wife Hilary had been widowed then exiled from South Africa

    他的第二任妻子希拉丽已经 寡妇,后来又被驱逐出南非。

  • Widowed and orphaned families had no need to summon him ; he came of his own accord .


  • Only indulged wholeheartedly to yesterday the recollection and the attachment today will be overshadowed dispirited widowed happy .

    一心只沉溺于对昨天的回忆与眷恋,今天将黯然失色,颓唐 寡欢

  • She was widowed in 1967

    1967年她 寡妇

  • The film follows the lives of one family the Fangs & a widowed mother her son who becomes a rich entrepreneur and the daughter they believe died in Tangshan .

    影片记叙了方家的生活&一位 寡居的母亲,儿子成为了一个富有的企业家,女儿被认为死于唐山。

  • It turned out we were all single either widowed divorced broken-hearted or looking for love .

    最后我们发现,我们都是单身要么 丧偶、离异、失恋,要么正在寻找爱情。

  • He was widowed at the age of52 .

    他52岁时 了鳏夫。

  • In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain .


  • He visited his widowed mother yesterday .

    他昨天去探望他 守寡的母亲。

  • His widowed mother brought him up . They placed the orphans with foster-parents .

    他的 寡母把他抚养成人。他们为这些孤儿找到了养父养母。

  • The mother was widowed and had swanned off .

    这位母亲 寡妇,已经悠然闲逛去了。

  • Imogen stayed with her widowed sister .

    伊莫金和她 守寡的姐姐住在一起。

  • Being married rather than single divorced or widowed is strongly associated with higher self-declared happiness .

    结婚的人比单身、离异或者 丧偶能感受到更多的自我幸福感。

  • We went to stay with her widowed mother .

    我们去与她 守寡的母亲住在一起。

  • The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia .

    在前南斯拉夫战争中 使许多妇女 丧偶

  • More and more young men are widowed by cancer

    越来越多的青年男子被癌症 夺去妻子

  • She was widowed very early in life .

    她在很 年轻的时候就 寡妇

  • Many women were widowed by the war .

    战争使许多妇女 成为 寡妇

  • Honest generous tolerant good-tempered single or divorced or widowed .

    诚实,大方,宽容,好脾气,单身或者离异或者 丧偶