wild yeast

[waɪld jist][waild ji:st]


  • Wild yeast contaminants so far encounted are detected by three combined sera .

    用三种混合血清可以检测出常见全部污染 野生 酵母

  • W-ADY has better effects than the natural wild yeast in the production of grape wine .

    葡萄酒生产中应用W&ADY比自然 野生 酵母好。

  • Strains of wild yeast producing pure pyruvic acid were screened with the aid of paper chromatography for their ability from 200 strains of wild yeast obtained from various samples of Wuxi area .

    利用各种方法从来自苏锡地区的多种样品中广泛分离出200种 野生 酵母,然后借助纸上层析,获得13株具有纯丙酮酸生产能力的菌株。

  • The fermentation property of the wild yeast 1125-3 which can quickly and effectively ferment xylose to ethanol was studied .

    对从自然界中筛选出一株能利用木糖产酒精的 菌株 1125-3进行发酵性能的研究,研究了不同条件下自筛菌生长和发酵的规律。

  • One agent is a wild yeast which imparts a disagreeable bitterness to beer .

    有一种致病菌是 酵母,使啤酒会有不适合的苦味。