Wiener-hopf equation


  • In this paper the abstract boundary value problem of non-selfadjoint and non-compact operator with reflective boundary condition is studied . It is obtained that the this kind of problems is equal to a Wiener-Hopf equation and the well poset problem of the abstract boundary value is proved .

    研究具反射边界条件,非自伴非紧算子的抽象边界问题,证明了它等价一个 Wiener-Hopf 方程,并证明了方程的适定性。

  • The transform methods are used to reduce the boundary value problem to a single integral equation that can be solved by Wiener-Hopf technique .

    求解方法是基于积分变换技术,将混合边值问题化为 Wiener-Hopf型积分 方程,求得了裂纹所在平面应力和位移的封闭形式解。

  • Based on compressing mapping theorem and fixed-point principle in modern mathematics a non-linear iterative method for solution to famous Wiener-Hopf ( W-H ) equation is proposed in this paper .

    利用近代数学中的压缩映射定理和不动点原理,提出了一种解维纳-霍夫( W&H)议程的新方法-非线性迭代算法。

  • In this paper we study sensitivity analysis of the locally unique solution of a parametric variational inequality in a Hilbert space without assuming differentiability of the given data by establishing the equivalence of a parametric variational inequality and a parametric Wiener-Hopf equation .

    本文在所给函数和 映射均不可微的前提下,通过建立参数变分不等式和参数 Wiener-Hopf 方程的等价性,分析了Hilbert空间中参数变分不等式的局部唯一解的灵敏性。

  • Fourier transform techniques are used to formulate this semi-infinite geometry problem rigorously as a Wiener-Hopf type equation .

    利用Fourier变换,将这个半无限问题严格地 归结求解 Wiener-Hopf方程