width parameter

[wɪdθ pəˈræmɪtɚ][widθ pəˈræmitə]


  • The results showed that the pulse width was the main parameter affecting properties on the joint and the high quality joint can be obtained by controlling the pulse width .

    结果表明,激光 脉宽是影响焊接接头性能的主要 工艺 参数,通过控制激光脉冲宽度可以获得高质量的镁合金焊接接头。

  • The wind spatial distribution width and the asymmetric parameter has a very big effection on the aerostatic stability .

    计算了风速的空间非均匀性对大跨径悬索桥静风稳定性的影响,风速的空间分布 宽度和非对称分布 参数的不同对结构的静风稳定性有很大影响。

  • Then the line width parameter characteristic factor introduced fuzzy pattern recognition method utilized the outline information and the linear width information obtained in the picking course carried on the fuzzy distinction the graph element can be realized to outline layer or assistance layer marking .

    再引入 线宽 属性特征因子,运用模糊模式识别的方法,对拾取过程中得到的图素轮廓信息及线型宽度信息进行模糊判别,实现对图形元素的轮廓层和辅助层的分层标识。

  • Tooth width is the most important parameter of tooth-layer structure size of stepping motor .

    齿 是步进电动机齿层几何尺寸中最关键的一个 参量,对步进电动机的性能有至关重要的影响。

  • According to different plate width and rolling condition process parameter such as rolling pressure are measured .

    本文根据现场不同板 、不同轧制条件情况,实测了轧制压力等工艺 参数

  • Fast Algorithm of Top Width & Parameter equation application in the work of Hydrometry

    速算水面 &简单 参数方程在水文测验工作中的应用

  • As the heat input that was adopted in the experiment increases the average width gross and shape parameter of M-A increase but the line density decreases .

    在实验所采用的不同热输入情况下,随着热输入的增大,马氏体-奥氏体组元的平均 宽度、总量、形状 因子增大,但其线密度减少;

  • Defect gray averaging defect gray variance and ratio of the defect length and width were served as three parameter inputs for ANN recognition and the network was trained by using BP network algorithm .

    我们把缺陷的灰度均值、缺陷灰度方差、缺陷的长 比作为进行神经网络识别的特征输入中的三个 ,利用反向传播网络的学习算法,对神经网络进行训练。

  • Also when the geometry width parameter a / W is low the tested J integral values of welded joints with different material matches are close to those of all base materials .

    不同材料组配焊接接头的J积分值,在焊缝 宽度较小时,与其全母材的J 积分测试结果较为接近;

  • The spectrum was found to be an exponential decay followed by a stretched exponential decay with a decreasing width parameter .

    发现其 动态光散射谱 初始的指数衰减之后是伸展指数衰减。

  • The Gaussian distribution is derived . A new spectral width parameter (( m 2m 4-m 2 3 ) / m 2m 4 ) 12 is introduced in the derivation .

    在分布中引入新的谱 宽度 参量(m2m4-m23)/m2m4]12。

  • When the heat input increases from 120J / mm to 600J / mm the average width gross and shape parameter of M-A increases but the line density decreases .

    热输入由120J/mm~600J/mm范围内变化时,随着热输入的增大,M-A组元的平均 宽度、总量、形状 因子增大,M-A组元线密度减少;

  • Thus effects of the seam width parameter a / W must be taken into account in testing J integral values of welded joints .

    因此,在进行焊接接头的J积分值测试时必须考虑焊缝 宽度 参数的影响。

  • The influences of the notch groove width bonding agent on the permeability are investigated and then the equivalent hydraulic fracture width and permeability coefficient and mechanical parameter are analyzed as well .

    主要考察了凹槽宽度、界面剂等对粘结面渗透性能的影响,并对粘结面的等效水力隙 、渗透系数以及渗透 规律进行了初步探讨。

  • Measurements of loop width as an in vivo parameter for deformities of the capillary loops showed significantly higher values in diabetic patients than in controls .

    体内毛细血管襻 宽度作为毛细血管襻变形 参数的结果表明,在糖尿病患者其数值明显高于正常人。

  • The initial chirp has great influence on pulse width . If the chirp parameter C is too large it will cause serious pulse widening .

    初始啁啾对 脉宽有较大影响,初始啁啾 参量C过大会造成脉冲严重展宽。

  • Study on Calculation for width parameter of surface settlement trough induced by shield tunnel

    盾构法隧道地面沉降槽 宽度 系数取值的研究

  • Finally we further analysis the cracks identified calculate the width of the parameter information from the perspective of quantitative analysis of the actual change of the crack to analyze the actual changes in the cracks .

    对识别出的动态裂缝进行进一步的分析,对岩体裂缝 宽度 参数进行定量检测,从而从定量的角度分析裂缝的实际变化。

  • Effective Width Parameter Design of Jet of Air-Seal Devices in Air-Spray Cooling System

    气雾冷却系统-气封装置中射流有效作用 宽度 参数设计

  • It is found that the ratio of the number of shear band to the width of specimen is a key parameter for describing the axial stress-lateral strain curves .

    剪切带条数与试件 宽度之比是决定轴向应力-侧向应变曲线特征的关键 指标

  • Then the pulse width parameter which is the most important in the parameters of FMICW is analyzed . The stricter restrict is given to ensure the range spectrum has only one beat frequency after signal processing .

    然后对FMICW波形 参数中最为重要的脉冲 宽度进行了分析,给出了更为严格的约束条件,保证了信号处理后距离谱峰值的唯一性。

  • The results were as follows : ( 1 ) Leaf length × leaf width was the best parameter to estimate single leaf area while shoot length × number of leaves on the shoot could predict leaf area of the whole shoot .

    结果表明:(1)叶长× 叶宽(L× W)与单叶叶面积 相关性最大;茎长×茎上叶片数( LS×NL)测定整株叶面积较为适宜。

  • In the same of average power peak power and duty cycle constant pulse width is the primary parameter which affects the kerf width .

    在相同的平均功率、峰值功率和脉宽比下,脉冲 宽度是影响切缝宽度主要 参数

  • Many factors have an influence on PWHT procedures and the heated width is the most important parameter controlling the effectiveness of local PWHT .

    影响局部焊后热处理的因素很多,其中加热 宽度是最重要的一个控制 参数

  • The Study and apply of the coal pillar width Parameter in along stull tunnel

    论顺路天井留矿法沿空巷道煤柱 宽度 参数的研究与应用

  • Peak power and pulse width are the primary parameter which affect the pool geometry size under the same average power and pulse frequency .

    平均功率和脉冲频率相同时,峰值功率和脉冲 宽度是影响焊缝几何尺寸的主要 参数

  • Study On Narrow Coal Pillar Width and Support Parameter of Coal Gates Close to Gob in Fully Mechanized Longwall Top Caving Face

    综放面沿空掘巷窄煤柱 宽度及巷道支护 参数研究

  • Energy width is the ultimate extracted parameter of detection in this algorithm based on which the algorithm determines whether there are cars passing the detection area and then completes the traffic flow statistics .

    能量 宽度是本算法中最终提取的检测 ,算法根据得到的检测区域的能量 宽度来判断有没有车经过检测区域并完成车辆的流量统计。

  • In this paper the weight function of complex ray simulation is derived the influences of complex source point spacing and beam width parameter on simulation accuracy are analyzed and the simulation errors on and beyond the simulation aperture plane are dis - cussed .

    导出了复射线场拟合的权函数,分析了复源点间距和波束 宽度 参量等对拟合精度的影响,讨论了口径平面上及口径平面外的拟合误差。