


  • However the strong effect of nonlinearity limits its application to wideband digital receivers .

    但是,其较强的非线性效应影响了它在 宽带数字接收机中的广泛应用。

  • Spectrum Signal of Random Noise Processing in the Thin-film Wideband Monitoring System

    薄膜 宽带监控中光谱信号随机噪音处理的研究

  • Study on Critical Technologies in Ultra Wideband Signal Monitoring System


  • Multi-input multi-output ( MIMO ) technology is very suitable for the future wideband wireless communication systems .

    多入多出( MIMO)技术非常适合在未来无线通信系统中应用。

  • The generating technology of wideband radar signals ii .


  • The Design and Research of a Novel Compact Microstrip Antenna with Wideband

    一种新型的小型化 宽带微带天线的设计与研究

  • Design of Wideband Radar Target Echo and Jamming Simulator


  • The law of2D scanning beam-pointing drift wideband working plane phased array is revealed in this paper .

    揭示了平面相控阵天线 宽带工作时,两维扫描波束指向漂移的规律。

  • A design of two wideband antennas sharing one aperture is proposed .

    给出了一种两 宽带天线共用一个口径的设计。

  • Wideband chaotic signals have broad spectrum and acquire wide applications in radar communications and measurements and control .


  • Rapid timing acquisition constitutes a major challenge in realizing the Ultra Wideband ( UWB ) technology .


  • A comprehensive monitoring system with wideband spectrum by fiber optic spectrometer ;

    利用光纤 光谱仪对煤粉 火焰温度在线测量进行了研究。

  • Method of imaging and tracking ballistic target using wideband signals

    一种利用 宽带信号对弹道目标成像和跟踪的方法

  • This paper presents a new wideband digital beamforming method using subarrays and Linear Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal .

    该文在基于子阵和发射为线性调频信号的前提下,提出一种 宽带子阵数字波束形成方法。

  • It will come into a development climax to construct tactical command post based on wideband communication technology .

    基于 宽带通信技术的战术指挥所建设将进入一个发展高潮。

  • New model for frequency hopping wideband Rayleigh fading channels 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth .

    一种新的跳频 宽带瑞利衰落信道模型以每秒1M个码元的字符速率传输,充分利用信道的最大有效带宽。

  • In wideband auto-correlation receiver signal after self-mixing is sine signal . A synthetic algorithm is proposed for sine signal frequency estimation .


  • A novel single-layer single-patch wideband circular microstrip antenna with slots is proposed .

    设计了一种新型单贴片单层的 开缝微带天线。

  • Analysis and comparison of performance for TH-PPM and TH-PAM ultra wideband systems

    TH-PPM与TH-PAM超 宽带系统的性能分析和比较

  • A Structure and Algorithm of Wideband Blind Equalizer Based on Subband Decomposition Technique

    一种基于子带分解技术的 宽带盲均衡器结构和算法

  • In this paper the Doppler frequency and time-delay estimators of wideband echoes for LFM pulse radar are discussed .

    针对LFM脉冲雷达的 宽带回波信号的多普勒频移和时延估计问题进行了研究。

  • This paper addresses a wideband circularly polarized antenna originating from the ring-slot antenna .

    本文设计了一种由圆环缝隙天线变形而来的 宽带圆极化天线。

  • The estimation of time delay and scale of wideband echo is addressed .

    研究了 宽频 信号时延和尺度的估计问题。

  • A new ultra wideband ( UWB ) low-complexity and step recovery diode Gaussian pulse generator is introduced .

    提出了一种新型的用于超 宽带系统的高斯脉冲发生器。

  • Research of Carrier Synchronization and Antenna Array Calibration in Wideband Wireless Communication Systems


  • Softswitch is a technique that can supply next-generation packet communications including speech wideband and wireless networks .

    软交换技术是一个能够提供下一代分组通信&包括语音、 宽带和无线网络的平台。

  • A Wideband Double-Layer Rectangular Microstrip Antenna has wooden spokes and a metal rim .

    一种非辐射边馈电的 宽带双层微带贴片天线带有木制的轮辐和金属的轮缘。

  • The Intersil HA-2539 represents the ultimate in high slew rate wideband monolithic operational amplifiers .

    Intersil的房委会,2539代表了高转换率, 宽频 ,单片运算放大器极致。

  • The approach of wideband robust adaptive beamforming ( RABF ) for speech enhancement based on micro-phone arrays was investigated .

    研究了用于麦克风阵列语音增强的 宽带健壮自适应波束形成算法。

  • To deal with broadband signal processing a new algorithm for the Direction Of Arrival ( DOA ) estimation of wideband Linear Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal was introduced .

    为了解决宽带信号处理的问题,研究了一种 宽带线性调频(LFM)信号的波达方向(DOA)估计方法。