


  • Everybody in the yard stopped talking and listened to whopper .

    院子里的每个人都停下话来听 说话。

  • When whopper went near the people they looked at him .

    走近时, 每个人都看着他。

  • The pharmacist says wait just a moment and goes back into the storeroom and brings back a whopper of a pill and plunks it on the counter .

    药剂师说:“稍等。”他从储藏室搬出一个巨型药片, 的一声把药片砸在柜台上。

  • Whopper kept running all the way to the drugstore .


  • At first Whopper was very pleased .

    起先 非常高兴。

  • As comets go it is a whopper .

    就彗星而言,它可是个 庞然大物

  • If she had said that she told a real whopper .

    要是她 那麽说的,她就是说了个 瞎话

  • In 1998 Burger King tricked its customers by releasing the left-handed Whopper .

    1998年,汉堡王宣布推出左撇子巨无霸 汉堡,结果是和顾客开的 玩笑

  • Whopper wanted to change his story again but he thought of George and decided to tell the truth .


  • She also told a big old whopper of a lie .

    她也撒了个 弥天大谎

  • Whopper @ she asked @ where is my little boy now ?

    她问道: ,我的小宝贝在哪里?

  • And at stake is one whopper of a payday .

    当然,一切 是钱 的。

  • Whopper jumped in surprise .


  • But a few minutes later whopper remembered his promise to george .

    但是过了几分钟后, 想起对乔治的承诺。

  • Whopper did not answer but his eyes were shining with excitement .


  • Then came the whopper : on July 18 Bear Stearns admitted it could not figure out how much money it had lost .


  • What a whopper ! That must be the biggest one we 've seen this year .


  • After a few days Whopper was playing with his marbles on the street near his house .

    几天后, 在他家附近街上玩弹珠。

  • But whopper was afraid of it because he was a coward .

    但是 因为胆子 因此很怕它。

  • My heart bangs in my chest as I prepare to tell my sister-in-law a whopper .

    在准备向小姑子 这个 弥天大谎的时候我紧张得心直跳。

  • He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness .

    他撒了个 大谎为自己的迟到辩解。

  • Burger King an American fast-food chain published a full-page advertisement in USA Today in 1998 announcing the introduction of the Left-Handed Whopper specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans .

    1998年愚人节当天,美国汉堡王快餐连锁店在《今日美国》上发布了一则长达一页的广告,介绍一 专为美国3200万个左撇子设计的左撇子 汉堡

  • Whopper lowered his voice but he was still excited .


  • The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earth 's atmosphere . Whopper did not answer but his eyes were shining with excitement .

    飞回大气层时,我看到飞船表面红光闪烁。 没有回话,但是他的眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

  • People called him whopper because @ a whopper @ is a big lie .

    大家就称他为 骗子 。因为“华勃”就是大谎言的 意思

  • As usual he told them a whopper and everyone believed it .

    像往常一样,他对他们 了一个 弥天大谎,而每个人都相信了。

  • Netflix announced a whopper of a price increase to all of its customers in July of2011 .

    2011年7月,网飞向所有用户宣布了一项 大幅 提价计划。

  • The fisherman had caught a whopper .

    那个打鱼的捕到一条 特大

  • But whopper kept playing his game .

    但是 仍继续玩他的游戏。

  • One day whopper had two cents in his pocket .

    有一天 的口袋里有两分钱。