


  • His mind was wholly taken up with the question .

    他满 脑子 在想这个问题。

  • Neither he nor they are wholly right .

    他和他们,谁都不是 完全对的。

  • He has invented a wholly factitious story about his past .

    他编造了一个关于他的过去的 完全虚假的故事。

  • Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful .

    她的建议往往 毫无帮助。

  • Racism is wholly unacceptable under any circumstances

    无论在何种情况下,种族主义都是 千万要不得的。

  • I wholly accept thank you !


  • Now things are wholly changed .

    现在,情形 完全改变了。

  • Your report last week was unfair . It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations

    你上周的报告是不公平的。它是基于 毫无根据且完全无端的指控。

  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained cumbersome and almost wholly ineffectual .

    我们的情报部门人员缺乏训练,机构臃肿,简直 毫无用处。

  • Not wholly devoid of an idea that he might behold an evil spirit .

    并非 完全没有料到他可能又要看到一个邪魔了。

  • The accusation is wholly without foundation .

    这项指控 完全没有依据。

  • They had wholly ceased to be in control of it .

    他们已经 完全停止了对这事的控制。

  • I have never agreed with my other self wholly .

    我和另外一个我,从来没有 完全一致过。

  • You are not wholly to blame .

    应该 完全怪你。

  • It set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Australia last year .

    去年虎航在澳大利亚创办了一家 全资子公司。

  • These people are not wholly reliant on Western charity

    这些人并非 完全依赖西方慈善团体。

  • Austerity renunciation negation were not wholly new to me ;

    苦行,放弃,否定,这些对我并不是 全新的东西。

  • While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations

    尽管这两人年龄上只相差几天,他们却好像是属于 完全不同时代的人。

  • Neither he nor you are wholly right .

    他不 对,你也不 对。

  • Unhappily the facts do not wholly bear out the theory

    令人遗憾的是,这些事实并不能 完全证明该理论。

  • He is wholly concerned with his own grandeur .


  • It is as near to you as your life but you can never wholly know it .

    它和你亲近得像你的生命一样,但是你永远不能 完全了解它。

  • This company is wholly owned by the brothers li .

    这家公司 专属 李氏兄弟。

  • If I have failed the fault lies wholly at my door .

    假若我失败了, 完全 归咎于我自己。

  • For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate

    对于市区来说,这种办法根本 不会 奏效

  • In my opinion the decision was wholly justified .

    我认为,这个决定 完全合理。

  • The widow was moved wholly .

    寡妇 完全被感动了。

  • My heart is and has been wholly yours .

    我的心是你的,而且已经 完全是你的了。

  • These can be joint ventures cooperative enterprises or wholly foreign-owned operations .

    这些可以是合资企业、作企业或外商 独资企业。

  • I am wholly yours & you are everything to me ;
