
[hwækt, wækt][wækt]


v.重击,使劲打( whack的过去式和过去分词 )

  • He whacked me on the back and I held both his arms .

    用力 拍拍我的背,我抱住他的双臂。

  • Bishop whacked Frances and chuckie .

    毕肖普 干掉 弗朗西斯和查尔斯。

  • So you and your mom are both whacked .

    所以,你和你妈都 变态

  • I was whacked and by7:00 I was fast asleep .

    我累 ,到了7点,我就熟睡了。

  • Someone whacked him on the head .

    有人 狠狠 了他的头。

  • We got whacked . On paper we should have wiped the floor with them .

    我们被 轻易 击败了。 按理 我们本应该大败他们。

  • We should 've whacked him at the gas station .

    我们该在加油站就 他。

  • Those dickwads upstairs are trying to have me whacked !

    楼上那帮人想要 了我!

  • Or you 'd be the one who got whacked .

    否则, 的人就是你。

  • Tracked him and whacked him .

    追到他, 干掉他。

  • Before that he was with the dude who got whacked .

    在那之前他和那 纨绔子弟一起

  • If the company hits trouble you get whacked twice .

    如果这家公司遇上麻烦,你将 遭受 双重 打击

  • Whacked them all huh jim ?

    他们都 了,吉姆?

  • The teacher whacked the boy .

    老师 重打 那位男生。

  • She walked in and whacked the walls with a ruler .

    她走进来,用尺子 重重 敲击墙壁。

  • I whacked my knee getting out of the car .

    我从车里出来时 重重 一下膝盖。

  • When I was younger I was healthier but I was uh whacked with insecurity you know ?

    当我年幼的时候,我很健康,但是我现在因为缺乏安全感 疲惫不堪

  • Not if he just whacked somebody .

    如果他刚刚 人就不会。

  • His mother was murdered . Yeah she got whacked . Snuffed out .

    他母亲是被谋杀的。是的,是被人干掉的, 弄死的。

  • She whacked him hard over the ear .

    他的耳朵 用力

  • Maybe you don 't feel like you 're whacking us with a stick but we certainly feel like we 've been whacked with a stick .

    也许,你不感觉好象你用棍重击我们,但是我们必然感觉到我们已被 重击

  • Why does he get whacked ?

    他为什么被 呢?

  • Eg. he whacked the little boy for talking back .

    为了那小男孩 顶嘴 用力

  • You think these are the same guys who whacked fausto ?

    你觉得 弗斯托事件是这伙人干的吗?

  • He whacked his little sister on the head with a spoon .

    他用一把勺子 猛打他小妹妹的头。

  • He got whacked by a gimiet .


  • I see the government has whacked up the taxes again .

    我发现政府又 税了。

  • That girl is whacked out .

    那个女孩一定是 了。

  • And then whacked him while he was sleeping .

    然后在他 睡着杀死他。