white signal

[hwaɪt ˈsɪɡnəl][hwait ˈsiɡnəl]


  • But the unvoiced sound is more like a white noise signal the voiced sound reflects the movement of the vocal tract and is a periodic signal so more speaker information is contained in the voiced sound .

    由于清音是一种类 噪声的 信号,而浊音是一种准周期的信号,反应的是说话人声道变化的情况,浊音包含有更多的说话人信息。

  • The experiment use the video frequency signal output by CCD black and white vidicon the signal fountain .

    实验中利用CCD 黑白摄象机输出的视频信号作为 信号源来进行调试。

  • On the basis of study some functions of Morlet wavelet device of surface acoustic wave which are wavelet transform elimination white noise and singularity signal recognition the device is implemented to extract and analyze singularity signal .

    在研究声表面波式Morlet小波器件具有进行小波变换、消除 噪声和奇异性 信号识别功能的基础上,将该器件用于对奇异性信号的提取和分析。

  • With White noise signal source and correlation function analysis we design the acoustic temperature measurement system controlled by sing chip computer and implement the measurement of the travel-time of sound wave .

    本文设计了以 噪声为 源,单片机控制的声学温度场检测系统下位机,实现了声波飞渡时间的互相关测量。

  • According to Lipschitz index of wavelet analysis the multiresolution analysis characteristics of white noise and damage signal is analyzed .

    从小波分析的Lipschitz指数出发,分析了 噪声和损伤 信号的小波系数模极大值多分辨分析的特点,阐述了小波降噪和 信号奇异性识别原理。

  • In this paper we separately use White noise and chirp signal as signal source and apply simulate software MATLAB to research the time delay between the transmitted signal and the received signal .

    本文分别以 噪声及扫频 信号为信号源,采用计算机仿真软件MATLAB,对声波在声发射端和接收端之间的飞渡时间的互相关估计进行了计算机仿真研究。

  • The realization of white noise signal generator based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的 噪声 信号发生器的实现

  • Connecting an optical fiber joint meter with the white light signal controller for optical fiber the absolute crack monitoring system with optical fiber sensing technology is formed convenient to crack monitoring .

    光纤测缝计同 白光光纤 信号调节器相连接,形成了绝对测量的光纤测缝系统,连接、检测均比较方便。

  • When the input signal is white noise or speech signal and the transmission room impulse response changes abruptly in learning process misalignment and mean square error of adaptive algorithms in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation are researched .

    实验研究了输入为 噪声或语音 信号、学习过程中发送房间冲激响应突变时,立体声回波对消自适应算法的失配和均方误差。

  • Head CT or magnetic resonance imaging revealed brain dysplasia encephalomalacia and abnormal white matter signal and electroencephalography displayed slow wave or epileptiform activity .

    头颅CT或磁共振成像显示脑发育不良、脑软化、脑 质异常 信号,脑电图显示慢波或样活动。

  • In imaging system FPGA is used as a main logic unit and DSP control to realize the data acquisition for black white video signal .

    介绍了一种以DSP为核心的成像系统中,FPGA作为主要控制单元,用DSP控制实现了 黑白全电视 信号图像数据采集。

  • It is assumed that random signals consist of white noise signal and non white noise signal . Non white noise coefficient is brought forward .

    假定任意随机激励信号由 噪声与非白噪声信号组成,由此导出线性结构响应之间的相关函数由两部分组成,一部分与脉冲响应具有相同的数学形式,另一部分为其它形式。

  • The white flowers signal the arrival of spring .

    白色的鲜花 标志着春天的来临。

  • In this paper a Donoho and Johnstone ( D-J ) threshold-based approach for the estimation of variance of additive white noise corrupting a signal is presented .

    本文提出了一种基于 D-J阈值的加性 噪声方差估计方法。

  • Black and white signal generator

    黑白 电视 信号发生器

  • The arithmetic formulas for sine wave linear frequency modulation signal V-style frequency modulation signal white noise signal reverberation signal and echo signal are given by their definition .

    根据信号类型的定义,给出了正弦信号、线性调频信号、V型调频信号、 噪声、混响和回波 信号的合成公式。

  • Noise performance of a white light optical signal processor : Part II - Temporally partial coherent illumination

    部分相干 信息处理系统的噪声演 (Ⅱ)&时间部分相干照明

  • The results of research indicate that the correlation measurement of delay time has good ability of anti-jamming with suitable sampling number and sampling interval when white noise or chirp signal is used as signal source .

    研究结果表明:采用 噪声或扫频 信号作为信号源,应用互相关法测量声波飞渡时间具有很好的抗干扰能力,在采样点数及采样间隔选取适当的时候会得到满意的结果。

  • If the exciting source is a white noise signal voiceless sound will be sent out ;

    若激励源是一 噪声 信号,则声道发清音;

  • Based on analyzing the physical essence and the principle of singularity detection this paper discusses the effect of wavelet bases and white noise on signal singularity detection .

    在分析小波变换物理本质和奇异性检测原理的基础上,研究了小波基和 噪声对 信号奇异性检测性能的影响。

  • In this paper the basic conception of Wiener G-functionals is introduced . According to the feature of White Gaussian signal Wiener G-functional expressions under the Gaussian input are derived by the method of being different from the predecessors .

    介绍了WienerG泛函的基本概念,并根据 高斯 信号的特性,利用有别于前人的方法,导出了在高斯输入下的WienerG泛函的一般表达式。

  • We discussed the standard period signal and white noise signal under three kinds of wavelet bases and discussed the synthesized signal of the standard period signal add with white noise signal ;

    在三种不同小波基下讨论了标准周期信号与 噪声 信号;讨论了标准周期信号与白噪声信号的加性叠加信号;

  • This paper proposed a new method on reducing additive white noise in speech signal using linear prediction residual .

    提出了一种利用线性预测残差去除 语音中加性 噪声的方法。

  • After a white noise signal has been taken as the input of a standard sound source a static acoustic test is conducted for a prototype silencer without air flow and at the normal temperature .

    采用 噪声 信号作为标准声源的输入 信号,在常温无气流条件下对消声器实物模型进行了静态放声试验。

  • Inthis paper the design of black and white chessboard signal generator by the smallest system of Z80 has been give .

    设计了一种采用Z80最小系统实现的 黑白棋盘 信号发生器。

  • Taking advantage of the different characteristics of wavelet transform coefficients of white noise and useful signal the modified filter is used to process the wavelet transform coefficients and reduce the noise in the observed signal .

    利用 噪声和一般 信号小波变换系数的不同特点,用改进后的滤波器对信号小波变换系数序列进行滤波处理,从而达到降噪的目的。

  • White Noise Cancellation for Signal Based on the Amplitude Features in the Frequency Domain

    基于频谱幅值判别的 信号 噪方法

  • How to check the filament real-time status of white light signal in a shunting signal is discussed deeply in the case of not affecting stability and safety of signal equipment in use .

    在不影响现有设备稳定性和安全性的前提下,对实时检查调车 信号 灯灯丝的情况进行探讨。

  • The white signal method is preferred as it is more convenient and accurate .

    提出了采用 信号法调整更便于操作者观测、调整更为精确的观点。

  • Ensure that the wiring of the white noise signal is changed under the shield of the test analogue port otherwise it might lead to boosting or loss of field .

    确保 噪声 信号的布线测试模仿端口的屏蔽下的改动,否则能够会招致以提高或范畴的损失。