

n.腮须,胡须(某些动物的)须( whisker的名词复数 )连鬓胡子一丝几乎要做

  • The results indicate that the suitable modifier for basic magnesium sulfate whiskers is potassium oleate .

    结果表明:适于碱式硫酸镁 晶须 表面改性的改性剂为油酸钾;

  • Synthesis of the SiC whiskers in sio_2-c-n_2 system

    SiC 晶须在SiO2-C-N2系统中的合成

  • If its whiskers fit in an opening the rest of it can .

    如果它的 胡须能通过一个地方,它身体的其余部分就能过去。

  • The animal 's whiskers began to twitch .

    那动物的 开始抽动。

  • Give it a little nose and some whiskers .

    给它画一个小鼻子和一些 胡须

  • He is a broad-shouldered and big faced stout guy with thick whiskers .

    他是一个宽肩膀大脸盘身材结实,长着浓密的 胡子的家伙。

  • Here are my paws here is my tail these are my whiskers .

    这儿是我的脚爪,这儿是我的尾巴,这些是我的 胡子

  • My new car is just the cats whiskers .

    我的新车真是 好极了。

  • Maybe I 'll make some teeth and whiskers .

    或许我还可以做几个牙和 胡须

  • The long whiskers on a cat 's face are coarse hairs .

    猫脸上的长 胡须是粗毛。

  • Strengthening of silicon carbide whiskers and particle dispersion were both used to improve the performances of alumina ceramic .

    运用 强和粒子弥散双重手段,对氧化铝材料的性能进行改进。

  • See if you give a woman whiskers and a chapeau ( hat ) the woman becomes a cat .

    知道了吗?如果给女人戴上 胡须跟帽子,她就变成猫了。

  • Both upper side and subiculum have brown whiskers and look good .

    上披和下托边边都有棕 ,十分耐看。

  • Sea lions are stuffed to the whiskers with squid .

    海狮的嘴里也塞满了 墨鱼

  • A cat explores a new object or place with its whiskers .

    猫用它的 胡须,探究 没有见过的物体或地方。

  • Both real-time and out-of-time observations and XRD analysis were carried out for the products from the hydration process of hemihydrated calcium sulfate whiskers .

    对半水硫酸钙 晶须水化产物进行了形貌的实时、非实时观测和XRD分析。

  • Don 't search that phrase in my whiskers .

    不要在我的 胡须中搜寻片语。

  • The study is on synthesis of mullite whiskers by sol-gel method using industrial alumina sol and silica sol as raw materials .

    以工业纯铝溶胶和硅溶胶为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶工艺制备了莫来石 晶须

  • His red whiskers were dyed of a purple hue .

    他的红 子染成了紫色。

  • CaCO_3 whiskers were synthesized with soluble phosphates by one-step method .

    以可溶性磷酸盐为控制剂,一步碳化法制备了 文石 碳酸钙 晶须

  • Mr. Thompson was a tough weather-beaten man with stiff black hair and a week 's growth of black whiskers .

    汤普逊先生是个饱经风霜的壮实汉子,头发又硬又黑,黑上 一个星期 没有剃了。

  • Brown Ben scratched at his speckled grey-and-white whiskers .

    棕色的本挠了挠他斑灰白斑驳的 胡须

  • Effect of Magnesium Hydroxide Whiskers on PVC 's Material Mechanical Properties

    氢氧化镁 晶须对PVC材料力学性能的影响

  • Gradually I became used to seeing the gentleman with the black whiskers .

    慢慢地,我对于那个有黑 连鬓 胡子的绅士也看 了。

  • Ah it became a giant with heavy side whiskers .

    ~这次又变成个 胡子的巨人了。

  • You 've shaved your chin whiskers off .

    你把你的山羊 了。

  • The synthesis of silicon carbide whiskers by double-heating method using carbon black and SiO_2 powder as raw materials is studied .

    以炭黑和二氧化硅微粉为原料,对双重加热法合成碳化硅 晶须进行了研究。

  • She is very old now with little round wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin

    她现在很老了,戴 圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了 胡须

  • Are your bones itching ? Demanded whiskers wang standing up too and putting on his coat .

    “你的骨头痒了么?” 王胡也站起来,披上衣服说。