white balsam

[hwaɪt ˈbɔlsəm][hwait ˈbɔ:lsəm]

[医] 白香脂,萨尔瓦多香脂

  • The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree .

    欢庆圣诞的季节随着一棵6米高的 香脂冷杉树的到来已经正式在 白宫拉开序幕。

  • The result showed that B. tau mainly infected cucumber pumpkin towel gourd white gourd balsam pear and other fruits and vegetables in Chongqing district .

    在重庆地区,南亚果实蝇幼虫主要危害黄瓜、南瓜、丝瓜、 冬瓜 苦瓜等多种果蔬作物,导致果实腐烂, 提前脱落,在受害区域 造成严重的经济损失。

  • Two-way ANOVA showed that protein contents and these detoxification enzyme activities varied significantly when the fruit fly were reared on different diets cucumber pumpkin towel gourd white gourd and balsam pear .

    双因子方差分析表明,南亚果实蝇取食黄瓜、南瓜、丝瓜、 冬瓜 苦瓜后,解毒酶活性存在显著差异。