white water

[hwaɪt ˈwɔtɚ][hwait ˈwɔ:tə]


  • Study on Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationships of Guizhou White Water Buffalo and Guizhou Water Buffalo

    贵州 水牛与普通水牛遗传多样性与亲缘关系的微卫星分析

  • Make it adventurous-a safari in Africa white water rafting in Colorado or exploring temples in India .

    来次冒险吧&非洲的野生之旅,科罗拉多的 泛舟,或是印度的寺庙之旅。

  • First introduce the reuse of the mixed water and then white water closed system and several typical zero discharge processes in pulp and paper plants are presented .

    介绍了造纸工业水循环回用技术的进展,对造纸过程中段水的回用做了讨论,并对造纸 封闭循环系统和制浆造纸企业常用的零排放流程做了介绍。

  • Dafeng Gate scenic spot is located in Zengcheng White Water Village Scenic Spot which resembles a green emerald inlaying between the White Water Fall area and Nankun Shanjing area .

    大丰门风景区位于增城 水寨风景名胜区内,像一块碧绿的翡翠镶嵌在白水仙瀑景区与南昆山景区之间。

  • As the degree of white water closure improvement the fibers and fines in white water will have a certain impact on the operation of paper machine and paper properties .

    随着 封闭循环程度的不断提高,白水中纤维和细小纤维的回用必然会对纸机运行和纸页性质产生一定的影响。

  • White Water to eat when cooked soaked in cold water fish into .

    吃时用 煮熟,捞进凉水中浸过。

  • The Influence to Flocculation System Caused by Closing White Water Circuit


  • The photographer on the left along with observers on the right plus the incoming wave of white water is simply stunning .

    左边的摄影者和右边的观看者,加上涨上来的 白色 浪花,就很迷人了。

  • The Application of Dissolved Air Flotation System in Treating the White Water of Tissue Papermaking Process TCAP transaction layer

    高效浅层气浮系统在处理生活用纸 水中的应用TCAP事务处理层

  • The rhythm of the oars and the rush of white water curling past the bows .

    船桨的节奏声和 急流旋绕过船头。

  • White Water Treatment System of a BF-12 Tissue Paper Machine

    BF-12卫生纸机的 处理系统

  • For more adrenaline highs there 's an unbeatable choice of good value activities from white water rafting and jet boat rides to bungee-jumping and skydiving .

    为了寻找更多的刺激,这里是那些极限运动的最佳去处,从 水河漂流和驾驶快艇到蹦极跳和高空飞降。

  • Novel Cationic Biocides of Quaternary Ammonium Salt Applied in Microbial Contamination Control of Papermaking White Water

    新型阳离子季胺盐杀菌剂在造纸 水中的应用

  • Not only will we take the high-speed rail but also go surfing jet skiing and white water rafting .

    我们不但会搭高铁,还会去冲浪、玩水上摩托车,还有 激流 泛舟

  • The principle of measuring the consistency of white water and the structure of online sensor and the result of measurement were introduced in this paper .

    本文论述了利用光散射透射法测量 浓度的原理,给出了在线传感器的结构和利用在线传感器进行测量的结果。

  • In1990 I discovered white water .

    年,我发现了 漂流并深深爱上了它。

  • Pick This If : You crave uncharted white water and a sustainable global economy too .

    选择这个如果:你渴望到地图上未知的 白色 水域,同时也渴望一个能够养得起所有人的世界经济。

  • After two hours there was still no other boat to be seen only the grey and white water .

    划了两个钟头,湖面上依然没有第二只船,一切都是 ,灰灰的, 白白的。

  • If you come near to the mountain you hear the gurgle and plash and looking up see a belt of sparkling white water edged by two moist black borders .

    走到山边,便听见花花花花的声音;抬起头,镶在两条湿湿的黑边儿 ,一带 而发亮的 便呈现于眼前了。

  • Plan events like camping or white water rafting .

    可计划露营或 激流滑艇;

  • The name White Water comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly .


  • Morphological Analysis of Fibers in Poplar APMP and Its White Water

    杨木APMP及其 水中纤维的形态分析

  • Morphological Analysis on Fiber in Masson Pine Kraft Pulp and White Water

    马尾松漂白KP浆及其 水中纤维的形态分析

  • Thoroughly tested in a variety of applications including white water and weak black liquor .

    在多种应用环境下进行全面的测试,包括: 和弱黑液。

  • The fluid fish will be moving along with the current in water sports like water skiing fishing white water rafting and swimming of course .

    流畅灵活的鱼儿喜欢水橇、钓鱼、 漂流和游泳等水上运动。

  • The waterfall with the same name is situated on Baishui or white water river about15km southwest of the county seat of zhenning .

    黄果树瀑布,位于镇宁布依苗族自治县城西南15千米的 水河上。

  • Go to the nearby pond and bring back two kinds of white water lilies three kinds of blue water lilies and five types of lotuses .

    去附近的那个池塘里摘两种 白莲、三种蓝莲,一共五种莲花,然后把它们带回来。