white wax

[hwaɪt wæks][hwait wæks]


  • Evergreen aromatic shrubby tree of southeastern United States having small hard berries thickly coated with white wax used for candles .

    美国东南的 常青芳香灌木树种,有小的硬的厚厚涂层的坚果。

  • This paper deals with the research status of the Chinese white wax scale existent problems and the prospect of the correlative products and puts forward the main problems of production and processing of the white wax and suggestions .

    本文述及 白蜡 各方面的研究进展,讨论了当前需进一步探讨的问题,相关产品的前景展望以及在主产蜡区四川白蜡生产与加工存在的主要问题与建议。

  • A Study on the Effect of Ecological Factors on the Swarming of White Wax Scales


  • And white wax also he said .

    还有 白蜡,他说。

  • This paper reports the hatching way hatching time hatching duration daily hatching amount and hatchability of eggs of white wax insects in China and hatching female eggs at earlier stage than male eggs is its notable characteristics .

    报道了 白蜡虫卵孵化方式、时刻、历期、日孵化量及孵化率. 白蜡 虫卵孵化的显著特点是雌卵先孵化,雄卵后孵化。

  • But in Guangxi there are 22 counties where the annual rainfall is less than 1552 . 5 mm the white wax production would be resume and develop gradually .

    广西气候多种多样,年降雨量、在1552mm以下有22个县,发展 白蜡生产是有潜力的,可逐步恢复和发展 白蜡生产。

  • The Analysis of the Causes of White Wax Production Failure in Guangxi Defeat

    广西 白蜡生产失败原因剖析

  • Our experiments have shown that the white wax insect bred in Yunnan Sichuan and Guizhou provinces secretes much more wax than that bred in other areas .

    通过对我国不同地区繁育的 白蜡虫泌蜡实验,表明云南、四川、贵州三省白蜡虫泌蜡量多,其它省区的白蜡虫泌蜡量少。

  • The nutritious value of white wax scale : White wax scale female body has rich protein 44.67 % in eggs and 53.57 % in egg bags .

    主要研究结果如下:1、白蜡虫的营养价值: 白蜡虫含有丰富的蛋白质,白蜡虫卵的粗蛋白含量为44.67%,卵囊中的粗蛋白含量53.57%。

  • Studies on ecological factors on wax secretion of white wax scales

    生态因子 对白 蜡虫泌蜡关系的研究

  • Anti-mutation Experiment of White Wax Scale ( Ericerus pela ) and Analysis of Main Function Factors


  • The alkali refining and deacidification of insect - white wax


  • The Eco-economic Benefit and Sustainable Developmental Countermeasures of White Wax Production


  • Study on the Three Reds and Three Blacks Phenomenon of White Wax Scales in the Production of Its Brood Insects


  • A suggestion was given to designate the control strategy about the parasite wasps on the white wax insect .

    建议抓住优势种群发生高峰期,制定 白蜡虫天敌寄生蜂的有效控制措施。

  • Study on the Mortality of the White Wax Scale Insect with Relation to Rainfall in Guangxi

    降雨量对广西地区 白蜡 死亡及其种虫白蜡 产量的影响

  • White wax scale is good protein resource according to the standard of UN .

    按照联合国的 营养标准, 白蜡 虫卵是一种优质蛋白资源。

  • A study on the plantation of white wax plant population change to the weeds control and benefit


  • The Population Structure and Eco-economical Benefit in the White Wax Plantation Knowledge garden


  • A study on the effects of increasing white wax production by applying fast neutron to radiate the white wax scale 's eggs

    快中子辐照白蜡虫卵对 白蜡增产效应的研究

  • A white wax extracted from ozokerite .

    从地蜡中提取的 白色

  • Damage and species of natural enemies of the White Wax Insect Ericerus pela ( Chavannes ) were surveyed in Kunming of Yunnan Province .

    调查了昆明地区 白蜡虫天敌种类和优势种的危害状况。

  • Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside .

    川乡 的历史村落 放养 白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。

  • The natural enemy communities of white wax insects were investigated in 10 main production areas in the period of secreting white wax .

    选择有代表性的10个 白蜡主产地,研究了各地 白蜡虫天敌群落的物种组成和群落结构,并进行了聚类分析和排序。

  • Population dynamics and population structure of parasite wasps on white wax insect were studied by the fixture trapping from 1999 to 2000.Results showed that in Kunming area there were 11 species and all the species belong to chalcid parasited on Ericerus pela .

    采用定点诱集方法研究了昆明地区 白蜡虫天敌寄生蜂的种群结构与优势种群的动态变化规律。结果表明,昆明地区白蜡虫天敌寄生蜂达11种,均属小蜂总科;

  • The Study of Tropical Climate ( Jinghong Yunnan ) Influence White Wax Scale

    热带景洪气候环境 对白 蜡虫影响的研究

  • Species of Parasite Wasps on Ericerus pela and Affection on Production of White Wax

    螟绒茧蜂对大 螟幼虫的寄生作用白蜡虫天敌寄生蜂种类及其对 白蜡生产的影响

  • In good environment condition area white wax base can be built .

    雄虫 正常,在环境条件较好的地方可建 白蜡基地。

  • Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside . How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year ?

    放养 白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?

  • Considering the nutritive and comprehensive utilization of its eggs this paper deals with the nutritive value and food safety of white wax scale eggs .

    从白蜡虫卵的综合利用角度出发,研究了 白蜡虫卵和 卵囊 的营养成分和食用安全性。