white facing

[hwaɪt ˈfesɪŋ][hwait ˈfeisiŋ]

[机] 白粉料

  • At present Chinese white goods industry is in the dilemma of the increasing price in upstream raw material and the basically saturated market . Facing with the industry circumstance the phenomenon of employees leave is really common most of which belong to voluntary turnover .

    目前,我国 白色家电行业处于上游原材料价格上升和市场基本饱和的两难境地, 面对行业如此的生存环境,员工的离职现象比较普遍,其中大部分属于自愿离职。

  • Despite the power of government the ingraned white people were the most dangerous threat facing the movement .

    除却政府的压制,愤怒的 白人也是运动中的一大威胁。

  • If you have a white wall that 's when we did Zen meditation it 's easier if you 're just facing a wall .

    如果家中有面空墙,我们可以进行 坐禅面对空墙会相对容易。

  • The White House welcomed the statement and viewed it as another evidence that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is facing isolation in the world . however most Iraqis don 't care about the possible US-led air strikes .

    白宫对这一个声明表示欢迎,并把它作为伊拉克领导人萨达姆侯塞因在世界上 面临孤立的又一个证明,但是大多数的伊拉克人对有可能受到美国领导的轰炸似乎并不在乎。

  • The long narrow shelter is composed of three elements : white walls a bridge and a glass box the latter facing towards the water and the nearby pier .

    狭长的眺望台由三个元素组成: 墙、桥梁和玻璃亭。其中玻璃亭 朝向大海和附近的码头。

  • Install the new upper rear bearing oil seal with the white paint facing towards the rear of the engine .

    安装新的上后轴承油封,使 面向引擎后部。

  • Dust flying Camel lit truck bouncing past the white . frame house facing north past Richard Johnson 's mailbox .

    尘土飞扬,点起骆驼烟,卡车颠簸前进,驶过那间 朝北 木屋,驶过了理查德、约翰逊的信箱。

  • Mr Obama who has dismissed Republican allegations that the White House was aware the SEC was about to launch the case against Goldman Sachs is also facing calls to return the almost $ 1m he raised from the bank in his presidential campaign .

    奥巴马也 面临 归还竞选总统时从高盛募得的近100万美元的呼声。共和党方面辩称, 白宫事先知道证交会将起诉高盛,但奥巴马否认这种说法。

  • The president spoke at a meeting of a White House advisory panel set up to study the problems facing the middle class and propose solutions .

    奥巴马总统在 白宫顾问团会议发表讲话。这个顾问团是为了研究中产阶级 面临的问题,并提出解决方案。

  • Beyond the image of white sandy beaches and carefree lifestyles the Pacific islands are facing serious health problems the prime culprit being imported foods .

    在到处都是 白色的沙滩,人们生活悠然自得的景象背后,这些太平洋岛屿正 面临严重的健康问题,元凶就是进口食品。