
[ˈhwelɪŋ, ˈwel-][ˈweɪlɪŋ]



  • To take a firm stance on whaling .


  • The IWC voted to uphold the ban on commercial whaling .

    国际捕鲸委员会投票支持禁止商业 捕鲸

  • Norway is the only other major whale-hunting nation in the International Whaling Commission .

    挪威是国际 捕鲸委员会中的另外一个主要的鲸捕杀国家。

  • In exchange whaling countries would accept quotas for the number of whales they could kill .

    作为一种交换, 捕鲸的国家将会接受捕鲸配额。

  • The organization says bad weather is keeping protesters from continuing their actions to disrupt the whaling near Antarctica .

    这个组织说,恶劣的天气使抗议人士无法持续阻挠他们在南极附近 捕鲸

  • The Commission is calling for a global ban on whaling .

    委员会要求全球禁止 捕鲸

  • They said they had been contacted by a whistleblower on board a state-sponsored whaling ship where crew members were illegally receiving boxes of whale meat .

    他们说,一个由国家赞助 捕鲸的船上的举报者联系了他们,举报说:船员们已经非法的接受了整箱的的鲸肉。

  • Critics say it is commercial whaling in all but name .

    批评人士说, 捕鲸完全是商业 目的,只是用了 不同名目 罢了

  • Australia and New Zealand have condemned Japan 's decision to resume whaling in the Southern Ocean .

    澳大利亚和新西兰谴责日本要在南冰洋恢复 捕鲸的决定。

  • Now that the two Sea Shepherd members have been released the controversial whaling expedition will resume .

    现在既然已释放了这两名海洋守护协会的成员,他们引发争议的 捕鲸活动将继续进行。

  • Japan has rejected demands from overseas that it abandon whaling as hypocritical .

    日本拒绝了国际社会要求其放弃 捕鲸的要求,称之为伪善之举。

  • New Zealand has condemned Japan 's decision to resume whaling in Antarctic waters later this year .

    新西兰政府谴责日本今年将继续在南极海域 捕鲸的计划。

  • Men went whaling to get the valuable oil meat and bones of whale .

    人们 捕鲸是为了获得宝贵的鲸油、鲸肉和鲸骨。

  • Protocol to the International Convention for the regulation of whaling ;

    国际 捕鲸管制公约议定书;

  • Melville incorporated in Moby Dick an exhaustive encyclopaedia of whaling lore .

    梅尔维尔在《白鲸》中汇集了各种 捕鲸知识。

  • Two anti-whaling protesters who boarded a Japanese whaling ship in the Southern Ocean have been released .

    两名登上日本在南冰洋上的 捕鲸船、反对捕鲸的抗议者被释放。

  • Australia sent the Oceanic Viking to the Antarctic last month to collect evidence that could be used in international court action against the Japanese whaling program .

    澳大利亚上个月曾派遣‘大洋洲维京人号’前往南极收集证据,并可能在反对日本 捕鲸计划的国际法庭行动中使用有关证据。

  • The environmental group Greenpeace has claimed to have driven Japan 's controversial whaling fleet out of Antarctic hunting grounds after a dramatic chase through thick fog and rough seas .

    国际环保组织“绿色和平”表示,经过一场在浓雾和巨浪中的追逐,该组织的活动人士已经成功地将日本 派出的有争议的 捕鲸船队赶出了南极洲的捕猎地点。

  • The international community agreed to ban whaling with some exception .

    国际社会同意禁止 捕鲸,除了一些例外情况。

  • Last month another Japanese whaling ship collided with a high-tech trimaran owned by Sea Shepherd .

    上个月,另一艘日本 捕鲸船与海洋看守保护协会所属的高科技三体船相撞。

  • And went off on a whaling ship as an ordinary seaman .

    去当了一个普通水手,然后跟着一 捕鲸船消失了。

  • The Japanese whaling fleet is warning environmentalists to stay away from its Southern Ocean hunt this year .

    日本 捕鲸船队警告环境保护者们远离他们今年在南部海洋的捕鲸 行动

  • Whaling went into dramatic decline beginning around 1900 .

    从1900年前后开始, 捕鲸 戏剧性地衰退了。

  • Australia 's anti-whaling film clip accuses Japan of using its scientific whaling program as a cover for commercial hunting .

    澳大利亚反捕鲸电影剪辑指控日本打着科学研究的幌子进行商业 捕鲸

  • They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling

    他们见利忘义地试图以减少屠杀海豚数量作为交换条件,重启商业 捕鲸

  • Despite large population drops due to whaling sperm whales are still fairly numerous .

    虽然由于 捕鲸导致了巨大 数的减少,抹香鲸的数目仍很巨大。

  • Japan considers whaling to be a cultural tradition which it says it only undertakes for scientific research .

    而日本则认为, 捕鲸 他们的一个文化传统,并称被 捕捞的鲸鱼仅用于科学研究。

  • A whaling ship equipped to process whale products at sea .

    用于处理 到的鲸鱼的 捕鲸船。