wet strength agent

[wɛt strɛŋkθ ˈedʒənt][wet streŋθ ˈeidʒənt]

[化] 湿强度剂

  • Wet strength agent is a kind of chemicals for paper making . Even if paper is soaked by water the wet strength of paper can still maintain more than 15 % of dry strength after wet strength agent is added into paper .

    湿 是指一种造纸用化学助剂,其加入纸中后,纸张即使在被水浸湿后仍然能保持原纸干强度的15%以上。

  • The adding point of wet strength agent will directly affect the wet strength of the product and the cost .

    湿 加入点的选择直接影响产品的湿强度和生产成本;

  • This paper introduces the preparation and modification of the amino resin as paper wet strength agent and coating water-repellency agent .

    叙述了改性氨基树脂 湿 增强 的制备及应用。

  • The application of traditional wet strength agent such as aldehyde is restricted because of its impact on environment .

    以醛类树脂为代表的传统 湿 因对环境有不良影响,应用受到限制。

  • Preparation and Application of Thermal Crosslinking and Reactive Wet Strength Agent EA / WEP / PAE

    热交联反应性 湿 增强 EA/WEP/PAE的制备及 增强 性能研究

  • Progress of Wet Strength Agent in Paper Industry

    造纸 湿 的进展

  • Application of Wet Strength Agent PPE in Household Paper

    造纸 湿 PPE在生活用纸的应用

  • With the addition of 0.5 % wet - strength agent the wet strengthening to the reed pulp was increased by 28.05 % and that to the eucalyptus pulp was acid 30.18 % .

    其加入量为0.5%时, 湿效果对苇浆达到 28.05%,对桉木浆达到30.18%;

  • Chitosan : Wet Strength Agent of Kenaf Based Paper Mulch

    壳聚糖用作红麻全秆地膜 湿 的研究

  • Application of PPE Wet Strength Agent

    PPE 湿 树脂的应用

  • Study on Paper Wet Strength Agent of PAE Modified with Blocked Polyurethane

    封闭聚氨酯改性PAE纸张增 湿 的研究

  • Study on Fluoroacrylate Copolymer Emulsions as Wet Strength Agent

    含氟丙烯酸酯乳液用于纸张 湿 的研究

  • This paper deals with the synthetic technology and hand sheet application of the repulpable wet strength agent .

    论述了损纸易回用 湿 的合成工艺及手抄纸的应用情况。

  • This paper describes the technical development and production of southern fruit cultivation bag paper in respect of raw material structure the usage of wet strength agent production technology control and test method of product quality etc.

    从原料结构、 湿 的使用、生产工艺控制、产品质量要求、产品检测方法等方面,阐述了南方育果袋纸的技术开发和生产应用。

  • By measuring the wet tensile strength and other physical properties of the paper and using IR SEM methods the strengthening mechanism of the acrylamide - chitosan graft copolymer used as paper agent was studied .

    通过测量加入壳聚糖-丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物后 纸张 湿 强度等物理性能的变化规律和采用IR、SEM等分析手段对其增强机理进行了研究和探讨。

  • Study on the wet strength agent of cyclic urea prepolymer modified melamine-formaldehyde resin

    脲醛预聚体改性三聚氰胺甲醛树脂增 湿 的研究

  • The modified resin has the ideal effect on paper as wet strength agent .

    实验表明,改性氨基树脂对纸纤维具有理想的增 湿 效果

  • Synthesis of Glyoxal-acrylamide Graft Copolymer and its Application as Wet Strength Agent

    乙二醛-丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物的合成及用作纸张增 湿 的研究

  • Research and production practices indicate that the dosage of wet strength agent within 2.0 % is suitable ;

    研究与生产实践表明, 湿 用量控制在2.0%以内较为理想;