wet precipitator


  • Wet cap grit and dust arrester Economic analysis of bag-type dust collector and precipitator

    洒水覆盖式集尘器系统 静电 除尘 与布袋除尘器经济性分析

  • An Attempt at Using Wet method to Collect and Convey the Particles from Lime Kiln Electric precipitator System Application of Electric Precipitator in Boiler House for Central Heat-supply

    石灰炉静电 除尘 试用 湿法输灰流程电除尘器在集中供热锅炉房的应用

  • Common Malfunctions of the Wet Electrostatic Precipitator and Their Remedies

    湿式静电 除尘 常见故障分析及对策

  • Development and Commerical Application of a New Type Wet Electrostatic Precipitator

    新型电 的研制及工业应用

  • Wet Desulphurization Coal-fired Industrial Boiler Precipitator Fluctuations in Water Quality Analysis

    燃煤工业锅炉 湿式脱硫 除尘 废水水质波动分析

  • Development and application of high - efficiency wet electrostatic precipitator

    高效电 的研制和应用

  • The development of plastic high-efficiency wet electrostatic precipitator designed for off-gas and pyrite-based sulphuric acid plants is described .

    介绍用于冶炼烟气和硫铁矿制酸过程的高效塑料电 的研制。

  • The utility model discloses an efficient wet fibre grid dust precipitator .

    本实用新型公开了一种高效 湿式纤维栅 除尘

  • The design of 216 tube rigid PVC wet electrostatic precipitator used for 80kt / a sulphuric acid plants is described with respect to structure design strength check flushing means and reinforcement .

    论述了用于 80kt/a硫酸厂的216管硬聚氯乙烯电 的设计。

  • A new wet electrostatic precipitator was designed for removal of fine solid or liquid particulate matter from exhaust gas .

    介绍一种用于分离废气中细小固体和液体颗粒物的新型 静电 沉降

  • Malfunctions of Water-Seal on Wet Electrostatic Precipitator For Gas

    煤气 湿式静电 除尘 排水液封的失效分析

  • By the adoption of rigid feeder and wet precipitator and other equipment 's improvement in the production of anhydrous sodium sulfate the dust pollution in the sections of drying and packing can be controlled throughly .

    采用刚性给料器和 湿式 除尘 ,同时对部分设备改造,生产无水硫酸钠干燥包装部分的粉尘污染能得到彻底治理。

  • This paper describes a new structure in which the cathode legs of the pipe style wet electrostatic precipitator are tensioned in both radial and axial directions .

    针对管式电 电晕 线张紧的问题,在设计中采用横向张紧固定的新结构形式,对电晕极线作径向、轴向的双向约束固定。

  • Plants burning high-or low-sulfur coals should consider a new mercury control strategy by using a wet electro - static precipitator ( WESP ) .

    燃烧高硫煤或低硫煤电厂应认真考虑的一种汞排放控制方式是采用 湿式除尘 脱除烟气中的汞。

  • The high-efficiency wet electrostatic precipitator is designed to operate with a gas velocity of 1 . 2 - 2 . 2 m / s voltage of 50 - 60 kV and specific current as high as 0 . 8 - 1.0 mA / m.

    高效电 设计气速高达 1.2-2.2m/s,二次电压为50-60kV,比电流高达0.8-1.0mA/m。

  • Discussion on wet ash removal por roof electrostatic precipitator

    屋顶电 除尘 湿式清灰探讨