white head

[hwaɪt hɛd][hwait hed]


  • Suddenly there was a noise in the thick bushes behind them and a big black and white head looked out at them .

    突然,他们身后浓密的灌木丛里发出了响声,一个大大的 黑白 脑袋 出头瞅着他们。

  • Then the modern theories of definition contributed mainly by Russell White head and Carnap are discussed .

    其次,分析了罗素、 怀特海和卡尔纳普的定义理论,讨论了现代逻辑在定义理论方面的新贡献,据此总结出现代定义理论的四个特点。

  • I have a white head with a black stripe .

    我有一个 白色 ,带黑色条纹。

  • The bald eagle is a large powerful brown bird with a white head and tail .

    白头鹰体形很大,动作有力,羽毛呈灰色, 脑袋和尾巴呈 白色

  • Max rose and went to a small window ; a pale bar of sunshine fell across his white head .

    麦克斯站起来,走向一扇小窗;一缕苍白的阳光照射在他 白发苍苍 脑袋上。

  • How he would have embraced that white head bathed his hair in tears gazed upon his scar pressed his hands adored his garment kissed his feet !

    他不知会怎样抱住他的 白头,要淌多少眼泪在他的头发里,要怎样瞻仰他的刀伤,紧握着他的手,爱慕他的衣服,吻他的脚!

  • She laid her white hand upon his head and looked him fondly in the eyes .

    她把 雪白的手放在他 上,深情地注视着他的眼睛。

  • White on the head should not predominate and the eyes must be fully surrounded by color and pigment .


  • Clinical observation on 161 cases of piriformis syndrome treated with triple puncture combined with white tiger shaking head method

    齐刺结合 白虎 摇头手法治疗梨状肌综合征161例临床观察

  • India 's face went white but her head was high .

    英迪亚的脸色变得 煞白倒还 得高高的。

  • The rarest combination is the white-bodied dog with a white head as well .

    最为少见的组合就是 白头加白身。

  • Any of several terns of the genera Anous and Micranous found in tropical waters and having a dark brown or black color with a white or gray head .

    一种燕鸥黑燕鸥和小黑燕鸥属,发现生长于热带水中, 白色或灰色,身为深褐色或黑色。

  • The hair turns white on a young head .


  • The lowest Correction survival rate of larvae was 28.3 % for ZC 2451 46.9 % for Shouchang 80-re 53.6 % for Fengcheng White Head Frost respectively .

    最低的矫正存活率是ZC2451为28.3%,寿昌80日为46.9%,凤城 白头霜为53.6%。

  • You are correct markings as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant !! Structure and soundness is what is important .

    你是对的,斑点,也就是全 白头或者 上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的!

  • In the mid-winter period a pale-mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be Mongolian .

    在冬季中期,我们可以判断一只背羽淡色而 头部的大鸥一定是蒙古银鸥。

  • He has a horse with a white mark on its head .

    他有一匹马, 上有一块 白斑

  • In this oil sketch of a white head maquette an amber-tinted light shines from below left while a blue-tinted light comes from almost the opposite angle .

    在这张 白色 头部模型的油画小稿中,一盏琥珀色的光从左下方照来,一盏蓝色光从几乎相反的方向照来。

  • A cloudy golden-orange beer with a moderately dense white head displaying a mixed combination of banana fruit bubblegum spice and zesty aromas and favours .

    酒体呈 浑浊的金橙色,浓度适中,泡沫丰富,洋溢香蕉,水果,泡泡糖,香料混合的持久香气。

  • A Canada jay with a white head ; widely distributed from Montana to Arizona .

    一种 头部 白色的加拿大松鸦;广泛分布在从蒙大拿到亚利桑那的地区。

  • Said Monsieur defarge looking down at he white head that bent low over the shoemaking .

    德伐日先生说,低头看着那个低垂着的 白发 。那人在做鞋。

  • Large North American eagle having a white head and dark wings and body .

    北美洲大型鹰, 白色,翅膀和身体为深色。

  • Developed in the area between Scotland and England usually having a black coat with white on the head and tip of tail used for herding both sheep and cattle .

    在苏格兰和英格兰交界地区培育的黑毛狗, 上和尾尖有 白斑,用于放牧羊和牛。

  • When I see the white hair on your head I can 't help crying .

    当我看到你 白发时,我不禁哭了。

  • Remember Yue Fei 's word for it : Mo lightly juvenile white head empty sadness !

    记住岳武穆的话吧:莫等闲 了少年 ,空悲切!

  • Comparative Study of Chemical Compositions of White Shrimp Head and Shell

    美白对虾虾 、虾壳化学成分的对比研究

  • He was dressed in white from head to toe .

    从头到脚穿了一身 白色

  • Some white on head and foreface permissible .

    和吻部上允许有少许 白色

  • Robert Gates will be sworn in asthe new secretary of defense today . he 'll take his oathat the White House then head to the Pentagon for a public ceremony .

    罗伯特?盖次今天将在 白宫宣誓就职信任国防部部长。随后他将 前往五角大楼召开公众会议。

  • The lady is dressed in white from head to foot and looks like a bride .

    那位妇人 全身穿着 白色衣服,看起来像个新娘子。