


  • The director of the school was a white-haired dignified gentleman .

    该校的校长是 有尊严的 白发绅士。

  • The opportunities for catering to white-haired grandmothers are huge but the damaging headlines can be large too .

    能够满足 白发苍苍的祖母的( 退休)方案有很多,但是由此出现具有破坏性的头条新闻的机会也是随处 可见

  • One day a mobile movie team arrived to present a film of the opera The White-Haired Girl .

    有一天,一个流动电影放映队放映了歌剧影片 白毛女》。

  • One well-known Chinese ballet is called @ The White-haired Girl @ .

    中国一个著名的芭蕾舞叫 白毛女。

  • He was a haggard-looking white-haired old bandit with shabby ragged clothes .

    但看此人,形容枯槁,衣衫褴褛,发缟如银,一 老贼也。

  • She played Xi'er in The White-Haired Girl .

    她在《 白毛女》里饰喜儿。

  • Just then a white-haired old woman entered supported by a girl .

    这时候,一个女孩 白发苍苍的老太太 了进来。

  • He is a white-haired boy of the general manager .

    他是总经理 眼前 大红人

  • Near a flower garden two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine .

    在一个 花圃边有两个白 头发的老太太在织毛衣。

  • Then on Christmas Eve a half-starved white-haired man came in from the snow and began to play .

    在圣诞前夜,一个很饿的 白发男子从雪中走来,开始了演奏。

  • Thepoisonhe 'd acquired from the white-haired Georgian in the syringe-scattered back alleys of Oval .

    的毒害,他要收购,从 白发苍苍的格鲁吉亚在注射器-分散后巷的椭圆形。

  • Whenever I see this old white-haired gentleman I think of my father .

    每当见到这位 白发 老人,我就想起自己的父亲。

  • She played the part of the White-haired Girl .

    她扮演了 白毛 这个角色。

  • Do not always say that their old out of mind the old white-haired then why not ?

    不要总说自己老了,心不老, 白发苍苍又何妨?

  • Look there is a dragon in the fitness the original is in the running some strong and young some old white-haired people there are lovely students roadside tree beckons for them .

    瞧,有一条“龙”在健身,原来是人们在跑步,有的是身强 壮的青年,有的是 白发苍苍的老人们,还有可爱的学生们,路旁的树也为他们招手。

  • He was youthful but white-haired .

    他朝气蓬勃,却 白发苍苍

  • He glimpsed a short white-haired figure heading for the back gate .

    他看见一个 头发 个子向 后门 走走

  • Unpacking My Library which he began in 1990 shows a white-haired figure contorted bent almost double from the effort of concealing a book in his jacket .

    《开箱整理我的藏书》是1990年开始 创作的。 画中,一个 满头白发的人由于竭力想把书藏到外套中,几乎将身子弯成了一 张弓

  • The two white-haired old men are chessing under the tree .

    两位 白发老人在树下下棋。

  • At that time you and I may be white-haired that age we can only shake hands and speak and then waved to each other again set foot on the final journey .

    那时,你我或许 白发苍苍,那个年龄,我们只能握握手,说说话,然后,挥挥手,重又踏上彼此最后的旅程。

  • We shouted loudly at the highest point of U.S * I thought there might come a white-haired old man anytime who would calm us down in the eastern prairie during the whole night .

    我们在美国的最高处大声叫喊,我想整个夜晚,在东部平原,随时可能有一个 白发老人 我们走来,让我们安静。

  • The white-haired bespectacled granny was unrepentant and said she would keep cooking with pot .


  • It was a sweet old white-haired sister .

    这是一个甜美的 白发姐姐。

  • Sitting beside him was a white-haired woman who looked like his mother .

    坐在他身旁的是 两鬓 斑白的老太,看上去像他的娘。

  • Led by the white-haired old woman she entered his room .

    她被那位 银白 头发的老人领着,走进了他的屋子。

  • He saw in front that haggard white-haired old man whose eyes flashed red with fury .

    他看见前面那个憔悴的 白发老人,眼睛里愤怒地闪着红光。

  • Frankie began following Jean on his rounds and the slight white-haired man followed by the delicate golden fawn soon became a familiar sight .

    弗兰基开始尾随琼巡视。不久,瘦小、 白发 电工后面跟着纤弱、金黄色的小鹿就成了人们熟悉的景象。

  • I was received by a tall lithe vibrant woman in her70 's white-haired and still beautiful .

    接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪, 满头 白发,依然清秀漂亮。