white leg

[hwaɪt lɛɡ][hwait leɡ]


  • One white plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid spasmodic twitching .

    一条 雪白的大粗 快速不停地、像发疟疾似的抖动着。

  • ' It is the voice of my child !' cried the White Queen by the fireplace . ' My dear Lily ! My sweet child !' and she began to climb wildly up the table leg .

    方王后站在壁炉边,叫道:那是我孩子的哭声!我可爱的百合!我的心肝宝贝!然后拼命顺着桌 往上爬。

  • A surfer says he reacted on instinct when he punched a great white shark that grabbed his leg near the northern Oregon coast .

    美国一位冲浪者近日在俄勒冈州北部海岸附近冲浪时 赤手空拳成功从“ 口逃生”。

  • Effects of Several Kinds of Non-phosphate Additive on the Frozen Quality of White Leg Shrimp

    几种无磷保水剂对南 美白对虾冷冻质量的影响

  • The folds of her skirt were raised so as to permit a view of her white firm and dimpled leg .

    掀起裙子就看见她那 雪白、肥嫩、坚实的 大腿

  • They wore white uniforms with the words ' Chain Gang ' on their backs and in groups of five were shackled together in leg irons joined by an eight-foot chain .

    罪犯们穿着 白色号衣,背上写有ChainGang字样。他们五人一组,用一条八英尺长的铁链把他们的 拴在一起。

  • The prepartion effect on white leg shrimp of fresh ice was studied .

    研究虾保鲜冰对南 美白对虾保鲜效果的影响。

  • Methods A 3 mm gap was performed in right mid-tibials of 26 New Zealand white rabbits . The osteotomy site was stabilized with long leg plaster cast external fixation postoperative . The rabbits were divided randomly into two groups such as A and B group .

    方法26只新西兰大 白兔于右侧胫骨中段造成3mm缺损,术后 长腿管型石膏外固定,随机分成A、B2组。