white war

[hwaɪt wɔr][hwait wɔ:]


  • The Senate bill dubbed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act must still be approved by the White House which has so far been reluctant to provide direct military assistance to Ukraine for fear of being drawn into a proxy war with Russia .

    这项叫做《乌克兰自由支持法案》的参议院法案仍然需要经由 白宫审批。由于担心与俄罗斯发生代理人 战争白宫目前为止还没有向乌克兰直接提供军事援助。

  • Malema seems to confirm a favourite white and foreign interpretation of South Africa : the country as a colour war waiting to happen .

    马勒马的所作所为似乎印证了 白人和外国人对南非的主流看法:这是一个即将爆发种族 战争的国家。

  • But these ignominies and dangers were as nothing compared with the peril of white women many bereft by the war of male protection who lived alone in the outlying districts and on lonely roads .

    许多妇女由于 战争失去了男人的保护,独自住在远离 市中心的地区的街上。

  • White Southerner supporting Reconstruction policies after the Civil War usually for self-interest .

    内战后为了自己的利益要求重建制度的南方 白人

  • White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Sunday dismissed accusations that the Obama administration is waffling over whether the United States is indeed at war with Islamic State saying the administration has been very clear about the military mission against the terror group .

    奥巴马政府被指责在是否确实对ISIS 开战的问题上含糊其辞,而美国 白宫办公厅主任丹尼斯麦克多诺上周日驳回了该指责,称美国政府非常清楚对恐怖组织的军事任务。

  • And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse ; and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war .

    我观看,见天开了。有一匹 白马。骑在马上的,称为诚信真实。他审判 争战都按着公义。

  • The White House however is deeply reluctant to become involved again in the Iraq war .

    不过, 白宫很不愿意再度卷入伊拉克 战争

  • The ship is unarmed and painted in white colour with the red cross symbol clearly visible to enjoy Geneva convention protection under the international laws of war .

    船非武装,而且 刷白颜色,漆上清楚明显享有国际 战争法下的日内瓦公约保护的红十字符号。

  • The Radical Change Made by the Chinese Communist Party in the Work in the White Areas During the Agrarian Revolutionary War

    土地革命 战争 时期党在 白区工作的根本转变

  • China 's Foreign Ministry issued a similar statement on its website expressing ' strong dissatisfaction ' with the white paper and making a pointed reference to Japanese aggression in Asia during the Second World War . '

    中国外交部在其网站发布了一份类似声明,称中方对日本新版《防卫 白皮书》表示强烈不满,并明确提及日本在 二战期间对亚洲国家的侵略。

  • Sure - his son Willie died of fever in the White House in 1862 while the president himself led a war that would take the lives of 600 other young men .

    当然&1862年,他的儿子发高烧,死在了 白宫;当时,他是总统,指挥一场 战争,这 战争还夺走了60万年轻男子的性命。

  • Michelle Obama in March broke ground on the first fruit and vegetable garden at the White House since World War Two .

    今年三月,米歇尔•奥巴马在 白宫开垦了自 二战以来这里的首个蔬果园。

  • His work The White Guard describes the family life of an ordinary White officer during the Ukraine civil war in 1918 .

    他的小说《白卫军》描述了1918年乌克兰 内战 时期一个普通 卫军军官的家庭生活。

  • White southerners refused to face the reality that the Civil War and the Reconstruction greatly changed the south .

    南方 白人不愿正视 内战和接踵而来的重建给南方社会所带来的巨大冲击。

  • Has anyone in the current White House ever read Sun Tzu 's Art of War ?

    白宫里的人有没有仔细阅读孙子 兵法

  • The White House predicts the United States will enter the new fiscal year with the largest budget deficit since World War II .

    白宫预计,在进入新的财政年度时,美国政府的预算赤字将是第二次世界 大战以来最为庞大的。

  • The South wants no part of a union with Lincoln in the White House . But as he prepares to take office the president-elect is still determined to avoid a civil war .

    南方不愿成为林肯所主持的联邦的一部分,但在他宣布就任前夕当选 总统仍然决意要避免一场 内战

  • I wish the Iraq War is a white war .

    我希望伊拉克战争是一场不 流血 战争

  • This rider of this white horse has a bow which represents weapons of war .

    白马的骑士手拿着弓,代表 战争的武器。

  • The White House predicts the United States will enter the new fiscal year with a budget deficit of $ 1.75 trillion-the largest since World War II and four times the size of this year 's deficit .

    白宫预计美国将进入一个有1.75万亿赤字的新的财政年度.这是 二战以来最大的赤字,是当年的四倍。

  • A white cemetery was built in the park to commemorate the Soviet martyrs sacrificed in Wuhan during the Anti-Japanese War .

    为纪念 抗战 时期在武汉牺牲的苏军烈士,园内修建了一座 白色的陵园。

  • The book which drew a no comment from the White House on Tuesday night comes from a Texan picked by the president and paid by the people to help sell the war to the world .

    无可奉告”由总统选出来拿着人民供奉负责 战争宣传的德克萨斯人在星期三晚上被问及对这本书说的评价时如是说。

  • Women and blacks enter the work force in large numbers as the main work force of white males go to war .

    妇女和黑人加入劳工队伍,因为劳工队伍中的主要组成部分男性 白人 参战

  • Vietnam is a White eyed wolf who never appreciated the sacrifice by the Chinese people so it can win the war .

    越南就是一只 白眼狼,他们从来不感激中国人民在帮助越南取得越南 战争胜利中作出的牺牲。

  • Rethinking on Brand Strategy of State-owned Enterprises from the Changes of White Cat & Taking Shanghai State-owned Enterprises Brand Assets for Example If that was a tactical retreat in the war on drugs the following day brought a headlong flight .

    白猫的变迁反思国有企业品牌战略&以上海国有企业品牌资产为例如果这是在毒品 中一次策略性的撤退,接下来的一天却带来了急速的飞跃。