whole coil

[hol kɔɪl][həul kɔil]


  • Warm compaction technology have been successfully employed to automotive parts including turbine hub connecting rod gears whole coil and electronic igniter and so on .

    温压工艺已经成功地应用于汽车零件上,包括发动机传动转矩变换器涡轮毂、连杆、齿轮类零件和 整体 线圈与电子线路点火装置等。

  • So the whole coil and ball of truth as it rolls up is the product of a double influence .

    因此,在其不断增大的过程中, 全部真理这 缠绕着的 线球是双重影响的产物。

  • The first three stages were introduced in this paper since the whole system was based on them . The key point is using motion detection and Virtual Coil technique to make preparation for the next modules .

    本文主要完成前三个模块的工作,这三个步骤是 整个系统的基础,关键是利用运动检测技术和虚拟 线圈技术,为后续的模块处理作相应的准备。

  • Arc-suppression coil control system is the core of the whole compensation system directly determine the effects of arc-suppression coil compensation .

    消弧线圈控制系统是 整个补偿系统的控制核心,直接决定了消弧 线圈的补偿效果。

  • A new technology of whole body insulation treatment of automobile initiating motor stator coil has been developed .

    介绍了一种汽车起动机定子 线圈 整体绝缘处理的新工艺。

  • The position control of side guider pinch roll and mandrel is very important for the whole coil area . It influences directly the success of coiling .

    侧导板、夹送辊、卷筒的位置控制对 整个 区至关重要,直接影响卷取成功与否。

  • It is very hard to design an applicable electromagnetic launcher merely based on theory analysis because the whole launching process is in a transient state and mutual inductances between the driving coil and the projectile sleeve are always changing with time .

    仅仅依靠理论分析,难于完成一个实用电磁发射器的设计。这是因为 电磁发射过程是一个瞬变过程,定子 线圈与抛体间的互感随着时间的变动而改变。

  • CCD matrix cameras are equipped to capture images of strips surface . Then these images are processed by a parallel computer system which consists of several clients and one server to produce defect information of a whole coil .

    系统采用面阵CCD摄像头采集带钢表面的图像,通过一套由多台客户机和一台服务器组成的并行计算机处理系统对图像进行分析和处理,从而得到 整个 的缺陷信息。