wholesale banking

[ˈholˌsel ˈbæŋkɪŋ][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl ˈbæŋkɪŋ]


  • Standard Chartered 's performance so far this year has been driven by its wholesale banking division which accounts for around half of its business .

    到今年为止,渣打银行的业绩主要是依靠其 批发 银行业务推动的,越占其总业务的。

  • We have also compared the prospect of state-owned banks ' wholesale banking with that of other banking businesses .

    文章随后对比了国有商业银行 开展公司 银行 业务的前景和开展其他银行业务的前景。

  • The sale has been complicated and delayed by RBS 's decision to retain wholesale banking operations in key regional markets across Asia .

    由于该银决定保留其亚洲关键地区市场的 零售 银行业务,令出售交易变得复杂,也出现了拖延。

  • In wholesale banking respondents said the emergence of debt capital markets was the biggest opportunity followed by structured products and interest rate and currency swaps – areas where local expertise is relatively small .

    公司 银行 业务方面,受访 外资 银行表示,债务资本市场的兴起是最大机遇,其次是结构性产品及利率汇率互换产品领域&中资 银行在这些领域的专长相对不足。

  • Dresdner owned by Allianz the German insurer last week outlined a plan to establish its wholesale and retail banking activities as two separate entities owned by a holding company .

    由德国保险公司安联保险(allianz)所有的德累斯顿银行上周公布了一项计划,打算将其 批发和零售 银行业务组建为一家控股公司旗下的两个单独实体。

  • Foreign banks have flocked to China in recent years amid rising consumer and corporate demand for retail and wholesale banking products .

    随着国内消费者与公司客户对 银行零售及 批发产品需求 逐步上升,外资银行在近些年里涌入中国。

  • It describes five categories of operating characteristics and profitability of business growth including wholesale banking retail banking private banking Intermediary business and mixed business Banking .

    简要说明 批发 银行 业务、零售银行业务、私人银行业务、中间业务和混业经营这5类业务的经营特色及盈利增长点。

  • However a condition will be that they focus on wholesale banking rather than economically sensitive retail services .

    不过,条件将是他们专注于 批发 银行 业务,而不是对经济敏感的零售服务。

  • The full details of wrongdoing in the foreign exchange market have yet to emerge . And in some parts of the wholesale banking sector it is beginning to feel as though nothing has been learnt from the crisis .

    外汇市场不良行为的方方面面还未全面展现。在 批发 银行 业务的某些领域,已经可以感觉到人们并未从危机中汲取任何教训。

  • Based on careful analysis we present the new profit-making model that China 's state-owned banks should stick to focusing on wholesale banking and improving its profitability .

    文章据此提出中国国有商业银行应该坚持以 公司 银行 业务为主、提高公司 银行 业务盈利能力的盈利创新模式。

  • DBS provides the full range of services in corporate SME consumer and wholesale banking activities across Asia and the Middle East .

    DBS在全亚洲和中东地域供给涵盖大型企业,中小型企业,公共用户和 大宗 银行处事在内的完美处事系统。

  • The bank 's chief legal and compliance officer for its wholesale banking business apparently called the risk of such delays a deal-breaker in efforts to develop new business .

    该行 批发 银行 业务部门的首席法律与合规官直白地表示,对于该行拓展新业务的努力而言,此类交易延迟风险简直就是交易杀手。

  • Combining PIP with the wholesale of the core banking resources such as bank-card users and customers of housing loans ;

    与银行卡及楼宇按揭客户等 银行核心资源对接的分散业务的 批发化创新;

  • The impact will soon be felt not just in retail banking but also in the high-flying world of wholesale and investment banking .

    很快,不仅在零售银行业而且 批发 银行和投资 银行所在的高端世界也将感觉到这个影响。

  • With affiliates in private banking wholesale or investment banking and consumer banking those banks are able to exploit synergies to help increase revenue .

    由于在私人银行、 批发银行、投资 银行、零售银行领域都拥有业务,这些银行“可以利用协同效应”来帮助提高收入。

  • Wholesale banking is genuinely cross-border .

    批发 银行 业务的确做到了跨境。

  • Country-Wide Chartered Bank Global banking serving both the retail and wholesale banking industry Improve development and operational efficiencies .

    Country-WideCharteredBank提供小额和 大宗 银行 业务服务的全球性银行提高发展和运行效率。

  • As well as the eight countries named RBS has wholesale banking operations in a further eight markets in Asia-Pacific including Vietnam and the Philippines but it is expected to reduce these operations .

    除了上述八个经济体之外,苏格兰皇家银行在亚太地区另外八个市场还拥有 批发 银行业务,包括越南和菲律宾,但预计它将缩减这些业务的规模。

  • Design and Implementation of Wholesale Banking CRM System

    商业 银行 批发 业务的客户关系管理系统设计与实现

  • The Bank serves both Consumer and Wholesale Banking customers .

    我们既服务于消费者,也服务于 批发 业务客户。

  • At Standard Chartered we can offer you a variety of fascinating leadership roles in Consumer Banking Wholesale Banking and our Global Support Functions .

    在渣打银行,我们能给你提供各种各样的领导职务,包括消费银行, 批发 银行和全球支持中心。

  • The bank opened last year with senior executives including its vice-chairman deputy chief executive chief risk officer director of wholesale banking and head of consumer banking from Standard Chartered .

    渤海银行去年开业,其副董事长、副首席执行官、首席风险官、 批发 银行 业务主管和消费银行业务负责人等高管均来自渣打银行。

  • After adjusting the level of allowances we find that the profit-making model that focuses on wholesale banking brings affluent profits to state-owned banks but their poor risk management capability leads to their high allowance and compensation level .

    在调整拨备水平后发现,国有商业银行以 公司 银行 业务为主的盈利模式给 银行带来了较高的利润,但由于国有商业银行风险管理水平的低下导致不得不提取较多的拨备和消化历史包袱。

  • The agreement heralds a series of alliances to develop retail and wholesale banking .

    上述协议预示着双方将展开一系列合作,共同开发银行零售和 批发 业务

  • Retail banking business is relative to the terms of the wholesale banking business which is a kind of business usually for consumers and small business .

    零售银行业务是相对于 批发 银行业务而言的,通常将主要面向消费者和小企业的银行业务称为零售银行业务。

  • It will concentrate on wholesale banking however rather than setting up retail operations .

    不过,该行重点将是开展 批发 银行 业务,而非零售银行业务。

  • Standard Chartered appears to be tapping into its wholesale banking operations to reinforce its traditional relationship managers when clients particularly entrepreneurs require additional service .

    渣打似乎正涉足其 批发 银行业务,以便为传统的客户关系经理们提供支持,从而满足客户尤其是企业家客户对额外服务的需求。

  • I analyze the business characteristic of the Industrial Bank and found the bank created its own brands and has competitive advantage on treasury business institutional banking and wholesale banking business .

    对研究对象兴业银行的业务特色进行了分析,发现兴业银行在资金业务、 同业业务和 公司业务上创建了自己的特色品牌,具有竞争优势。

  • They reckon global wholesale banking revenues in 2010 will be about $ 220bn helped by volatility products such as foreign exchange fixed income money markets and commodities .

    它们认为,2010年全球 批发 银行收入在外汇、固定收益、货币市场和大宗商品等“波动性”产品的推动下,将达到2200亿美元左右。