whittle down

[ˈhwɪtl: daʊn][ˈhwɪtl daun]


  • By September they will have whittled the list down to a winner

    9月之前他们会从名单中 确定出最后的赢家

  • BERLIN ( Reuters Life !)– Challenged with a100 million euro ( $ 133 million ) deficit one western German city has introduced a day tax on prostitutes to help whittle down its budget gap .

    柏林(路透社)-受100万欧元(1.33亿美元)赤字的冲击,德国西部城市之一引入妓女住宿税,以帮助 削减其预算缺口。

  • Just whittle it down you know ?


  • I think we 'd better whittle down her schedule .

    我想我们最好 削减 一些她的日程计划。

  • They are trying to whittle down our salaries .

    他们正着手 削减我们的薪水。

  • In the case of private equity critics worry that a capital gains tax regime designed to stimulate the growth of smaller quoted companies is being used to whittle down the tax rate on the carried interest of private equity bosses to an unjustifiably low level .

    以私人股本行业为例,批评人士担心,以激励小规模上市企业增长为目的的资本利得税体制,正被用于 私人股本高管的“附带权益”( carried interest)税率降低至不合理的水平。

  • I am told by several banks that one of the ways they whittle down thousands of applicants to the 200-300 that they interview each year is by looking for relevant work experience or internships .

    几家银行告诉我,它们每年 数千名应聘者 大幅 削减到面试的二三百人,所用的方法之一,就是看他们有 没有相关的工作经验或实习经验。

  • Eventually users can whittle that fee down to nothing by tying their computers to The Pirate Bay 's cloud network .

    不过,如果用户愿意把自己的电脑加入海盗湾的“云”计算网络,那么他们的 月费 可以被 减免

  • As Kodak ( ekdkq Fortune 500 ) sets course to emerge from bankruptcy protection in 2013 it will continue to lighten its load hoping to cut costs and whittle itself down to its most profitable assets .

    柯达公司( Kodak)正设法到2013年摆脱破产保护的阴影,为此它将继续减轻负担,希望就此削减成本, 保留最具盈利能力的资产。

  • We whittle it down to two .

    慢慢 ,我们 减少到了两项。

  • Whittle the stick down a bit more .

    木棍 点儿。

  • Their resistance and boycott threat might instead be more of an effort to whittle down the markup that Rio Tinto is seeking in current contract negotiations .

    他们的反对和抵制威胁或许更是一种为 打击力拓的涨价企图而采取的 策略

  • He had whittled eight interviewees down to two

    他已经逐渐将参加面试的人数由8人 减少到2人。

  • Other ways to whittle down banks are thinkable .

    另外 一些 削减银行的办法是值得考虑的。

  • The president has agreed to whittle down his proposal .

    总统已经同意 减少他的提案。

  • Don 't whittle the stick down too much or it won 't be long enough .

    那棍 得太多,不然就不够长了。

  • More than 70 people voted in the first round to whittle it down to a shortlist of 10 and members of the public now have six weeks to choose which British bird they would like to see represent the country he said .

    他说,超过7万民众参与了第一轮投票, 海选 过后得出十个最终候选鸟,在接下来的六周里,民众就要选出哪种鸟最能代表英国。

  • Write out the complete story he advises and then whittle it down to a series of concise descriptive bullet points .

    他建议,写出整个故事,然后再 浓缩为一系列简明扼要的叙述。

  • To make it tractable at all the IMF membership had to whittle the basket down from its original sixteen currencies in the 1970s to five after 1981 later compressed to four as the D-Mark and the French franc were subsumed into the euro .

    为了更加便于管控,IMF不得不 货币篮子从上世纪70年代的16种货币 削减至1981年后的5种,后来随着德国马克和法国法郎被并入欧元又减少至4种。

  • Ultimately Mr. Penn said Uber wants to whittle Beijing 's time down to five minutes .

    Penn称,Uber希望最终 北京 客户 等待时间 降至五分钟。

  • While the military gap between China and the United States may remain for some time he argued china 's faster economic growth and increasing political strength may whittle down america 's overall advantage .

    他辩称,尽管中国和美国相比,军事上还有一段时间的差距,但中国更快的经济增长和日趋强大的政治实力应可 削减美国的总体优势。

  • Simpson ( John not Homer ) and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage .

    约翰-辛普森和他的同事们 众多 例句 筛选出在 现实生活中最 推敲 句子