
[hwaɪt, waɪt][waɪt]




  • The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak .

    积雪给田野盖上了一件 白色的外衣。

  • Nicole loves wearing her diamonds even with jeans and a white T-shirt .

    妮科尔很喜欢戴她的钻石首饰,即使穿的是牛仔裤和 白色T恤衫。

  • You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves .

    常可在纯 白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。

  • He coated his chairs with white paint .

    他在椅子上涂了一层 漆。

  • The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad pale blue and white stripes .

    前卧室的墙壁被漆成淡蓝色和 白色相间的宽条纹。

  • Working with white people hasn 't been a problem for me or for them


  • He turned white and began to stammer

    他脸色 发白,说话开始结巴。

  • They claim to be white witches .

    她们自称是 善良的女巫。

  • They saw some large letters in white paint .

    他们看见了用 漆写的几个大大的字母。

  • Because it was warm David wore only a white cotton shirt

    因为天气暖和,戴维只穿了一件 白色的棉衬衣。

  • She was wearing black slacks and a white sweater .

    她身穿黑色便裤和 白色毛衣。

  • His face was white with fury .

    他脸都 了。

  • We painted the wooden floor with a white stain .

    我们把木地板刷成了 白色

  • He 's hypnotized by that black hair and that white face

    他为那乌黑的头发和 白皙的面庞所倾倒。

  • He was dressed in white from head to toe .

    他从头到脚穿了一身 白色

  • He gave me assurance in black and white .

    他给了我 书面保证。

  • Presently a young woman in a white coat came in

    很快,一个穿着 白色外套的年轻女子走了进来。

  • He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt .

    他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和 白色棉衬衫。

  • The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black .

    最初的 白色铅质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。

  • The white shirt was yellowed with sweat .


  • We got our first set — black and white — in 1963 .

    1963年我们买了我们的第一台电视机—— 黑白的。

  • Wayne has a large white coffee in front of him .

    韦恩面前摆着一大杯加了 牛奶的咖啡。

  • Richard had gone very white but he stood his ground

    理查德脸都 了,但还是坚持自己的立场。

  • He had nice square white teeth

    他的牙齿 洁白而整齐,十分好看。

  • Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom .

    格雷戈里又倒了一杯 葡萄酒后回到了卧室。

  • Issa 's white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights

    伊萨的 白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。

  • He was white with brown shoulder-length hair and a moustache .

    他是个 白人,留着棕色的齐肩发并蓄着小胡子。

  • The overhead light was covered now with a white globe .

    现在,顶灯已装上了一个 白色球状罩子。

  • Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held .

    献祭了两头 牛,并举行了盛宴。

  • We have a taste of the white wine he 's brought .

    我们尝了尝他带来的 葡萄酒。