wet blanket

[wɛt ˈblæŋkɪt][wet ˈblæŋkit]


  • He came and at once threw a wet blanket over me .

    他来了马上就对我 冷水

  • She is a wet blanket .

    她是人 扫兴

  • We went for a wade in the shallows . This little pilgrimage threw quite a wet blanket upon his rising spirits .

    我们到浅水处去趟水。这趟路跑得他大为 扫兴

  • He is a black sheep and his brother is a wet blanket .

    他是一只黑色的绵羊,他的弟弟是一条 湿 毛毯

  • That 'll throw a wet blanket over plans of investors to get into the stock market .

    这个消息对那些想在股票市场投资的人来说就好像 了一 冷水 一样

  • The refusal of several rich men to give anything in aid of establishing a free public library threw a wet blanket over the project .

    几个富人不肯 出钱资助,使建立一座免费公共图书馆的计划遇到 挫折

  • I know John 's a wet blanket .

    我知道约翰是一个 枯燥无味的人。

  • I shouldn 't be such a wet blanket but I 'm afraid I have got to go back home .

    我真不该 大家 ,可是现在我必须回家了。

  • Do not invite Xiao Li to the party . she 's such a wet blanket .

    千万别请小李来参加这次的舞会,她总是 大家

  • Don 't throw a wet blanket on others at random !

    不要随便给别人 冷水

  • The weatherman threw a wet blanket on our picnic plan when he forecast rain .

    气象员报有雨, 我们的野餐计划 了冷水。

  • Don 't be such a wet blanket !

    不要那么 扫兴啦!

  • She 's a real wet Blanket . She started quarreling with Li Ling when every one of us was in high spirits .

    她真是个 令人 扫兴的人。正当我们兴致勃勃的时候,她却跟李玲吵起架来了。

  • The boss says we can 't schedule a company picnic and has rejected the party idea ; he 's just a wet blanket .

    老板说我们不能安排公司的野餐活动,并且还反对我们举行晚会,他真让人 扫兴

  • ( 2 ) The teenagers don 't invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket .

    青少年们不邀请鲍伯参加他们的聚会因为他是一个 令人 扫兴的人。

  • This idea the disconnect between the need for government programs and the true implantation of them has caused a polarized system that throws a wet blanket over anything you want to get done .

    对政府项目的需求和项目实际执行之间 脱节,这个体系两级分化,想做什么事都做不成。

  • While we were talking about the party Bill kept being a wet blanket .

    我们在谈派对的事时,比尔一直 我们的

  • Her refusal to accompany him acted like a wet blanket .

    她拒绝陪伴他,使他很 扫兴

  • He 'll be a wet blanket if he is invited to our party because he can not dance .

    他不会跳舞,如果邀请他来参加我们的舞会,他肯定是个 令人 扫兴 家伙

  • He rubbed it down when it got wet and covered it with a warm blanket on cold winter nights . As a result the horse was strong and swift and carried its master safely out of the dangers of war .

    马身上 湿了,他就给它擦干;在寒冷的冬夜,他给它盖上温暖的 毯子。因此,这匹马很健壮,跑得很快,驮着它的主人屡屡安全脱险。

  • Dorothy always acts like a wet blanket at our parties .

    多萝西在我们的聚会上总是 令人 扫兴

  • The forecast of rain cast a wet blanket over our picnic plan .

    预报有雨,使我们的野餐计划 黯然失色

  • He smothered the flame with a wet blanket .

    他用一条 湿 将火焰闷熄。

  • The weatherman throws a wet blanket on picnic plans when he forecasts storm .

    天气预报员预报有暴风雨,给野炊计划 了瓢冷水。

  • Wretched weather nasty food and disgusting companions conspired to reduce my picnic to be a wet blanket .

    糟糕的天气, 难吃的东西,不喜欢的人,我的野餐 倒霉。

  • Don 't bring Robert to the picnic . he 's such a wet blanket .

    不要带罗伯特去参加野餐,他实在是个很 扫兴的人。

  • Don 't be a wet blanket . I will take my health seriously .

    别说这些 扫兴的话,我会善待自己的健康的。

  • Let 's not invite Dick to the dance-he is such a wet blanket with that sour look on his face and his boring talk .

    我们开舞会可别请迪克。他整日愁眉苦脸,言谈无聊,是个让人 扫兴的家伙。

  • So don 't get the feeling that I 'm a wet blanket if I don 't react enthusiasm especially if all viewpoints have not been considered .

    所以,如果我没有表现出反应热烈,尤其是如果所有的观点没有 被考虑 到时,请不要认为我是 风景的人。