wet granulation

[wɛt ˌɡrænjəˈleʃən][wet ˌɡrænjuˈleiʃən]


  • 5-Isosorbide mononitrate ( 5 ISMN ) sustained release tablets were prepared by the wet granulation method using HPMC as skeleton material and octadecanol as retarding agent .

    采用 湿法 制粒工艺,以HPMC为骨架材料,十八醇为阻滞剂,制备5-单硝酸异山梨酯缓释片。

  • MethodsWith HPMC as the matrix the Singopicroside hydrophilic matrix tablets were prepared by a wet granulation compression method .

    方法采用羟丙甲基纤维素HPMC为骨架材料,以 湿 法制 压片法制备丁香苦苷亲水凝胶骨架片。

  • The tablet production contrast application of dry and wet granulation

    干湿 法制 技术在片剂生产中的对比应用

  • Conclusion : The results indicate that not only the dissolution rate is faster but also the procedure is easier than the wet granulation technique .

    结论: 粉末直接 压片 工艺 得的分散片不仅溶出较 湿 法制 更快,而且省去了 湿法 制粒工艺过程的 烦琐操作。

  • METHODS : Qingdan granule were prepared from spray drying powder by dry granulation fluidized bed granulation and high speed wet granulation respectively .

    方法:制备清胆颗粒喷雾 干燥 浸膏粉,采用干压法、流化法、高速搅拌法制备清胆颗粒;

  • Big white rats were perfused into their stomachs with 25.0 12.5 of Jin Kan Ning Mixture and 6.25g of crude drug / kg by using chronic and inflammatory agar granulomatous method . Observe the wet granulation tumor and the change of inhibitory rate .

    大白鼠灌胃金康宁合剂25.0、12.5、和 6.25g生药/kg后,采用大白鼠慢性炎症琼脂肉芽肿法,观察肉芽肿 湿重及抑制率的变化。

  • In this paper the use of fruit-vegetable wet ultra-fine grinding technology and granulation technology in product development of fruit-vegetable tablets is researched .

    本文主要对果蔬微粉片产品开发工艺及其关键技术:果蔬纤维 湿法超细粉碎技术和混合 造粒技术进行了研究。

  • OBJECTIVE The technology of manufacture of sodium bicarbonate tablets by wet mixing granulation was investigated .

    目的研究以 湿法混合 制粒 法制备碳酸氢钠片的工艺。

  • METHODS The processing technology made of wet granulation .

    方法采用 湿法 制粒的制备工艺。

  • Manufacture of Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets by wet mixing granulation

    湿法混合 制粒 法制备碳酸氢钠片

  • The main materials of the theanine composite tablets are theanine and Traditional Chinese medicine extracts A B and C. By manual wet granulation experiment 40 % microcrystalline cellulose and 1 % Magnesium stearate were determined as the accessories .

    通过配方摸索和制作工艺等研究,确定了茶氨酸复合片剂以茶氨酸、中药提取物A、B、C为主要原料,添加40%微晶纤维素、1% 硬脂酸镁为主要辅料。

  • Drug release from combined HPMC octadecanol matrices prepared by wet granulation method was faster than those prepared by melt granulation method ;

    对于HPMC-十八醇混合骨架片, 湿法 制粒的释药快于熔融制粒法;

  • METHODS Wet granulation technique was employed to prepare pectin-calcium chloride matrix tablets .

    方法 湿法 制粒压片法制备吲哚美辛果胶氯化钙骨架片。

  • Investigation on relationship of tensile strength of tablets and formulation technological factors of high speed wet granulation technology

    高速 搅拌 制粒工艺与片剂抗张强度的关系

  • Development of process parameters of wet - granulation

    湿法 制粒工序参数的应用进展