wet scrubbing


  • FGD Waste Water Treatment in Dingzhou Power Plant Development of Oxidation Kinetics About the Byproduct-sulfite Produced In the Wet Limestone Scrubbing

    定州电厂烟气湿法脱硫废水的处理 湿法脱硫工艺副产物 亚硫酸盐的氧化动力学研究综述

  • Scaling Problem and Optimization of GGH in the Wet Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulfurization ; OPTIMAL OPERATION PARAMETERS OF VENTURI SCRUBBER FOR SODIUM AEROSOL SCRUBBING SYSTEM

    湿法烟气脱硫系统中GGH结垢及优化方案的研究钠气溶胶 除尘系统中文丘里湿式除尘器的优化

  • Flue gas wet scrubbing desulfurization technologies are not limited by FCCU operating conditions and sulfur contents in the feedstocks the SO 2 removal rate can be higher than 90 % and the dust can be removed simultaneously .

    湿式 洗涤烟气脱硫工艺不受FCCU操作条件和原料油硫含量制约,SO2去除率90%以上,能够同时去除粉尘。

  • Combined the oxidation technology with wet scrubbing we do the research on the real marine diesel exhaust desulfurization and denitrification synchronously which under the condition of supply oxygen and increase its humidity .

    将该氧化技术与 湿法 洗涤技术相结合,进行了补氧增湿条件下的船用柴油机真机尾气同步脱硫脱硝试验研究。

  • The basic theory and application of additives on dry semi-dry and wet scrubbing method are briefly introduced in this paper .

    本文对干法、半干法和 湿法烟气脱硫添加剂作用的理论基础及其研究与应用情况进行了简要概括。

  • Venturi scrubber is the most efficient wet scrubbing device for the collection of fine particles but it collects small particles at high pressure loss .

    文丘里洗涤器是效率最高的 湿式 洗涤器,但其对于细小粉尘的高捕集效率是以很高的气体压力损失为代价的。

  • The wet flue gas desulfurization ( WFGD ) reactor with falling film by cross-flow scrubbing was brought forward firstly in which the finned tubes were applied as the supporter of the falling film .

    首次提出并设计了横向 冲刷式降膜 湿法脱硫反应器,并采用翅片管束作为降膜的载体。

  • The technical and economic analysis of new type wet and centrifugal device of cooking fume scrubbing

    新型 湿法离心式油烟 净化器及技术经济分析

  • The oxidation of sulfite which is the main by-product of the wet limestone scrubbing has attracted much attention in the field of desulfurization .

    湿法 脱硫 工艺中,副产物亚硫酸盐的氧化一直是该领域研究的热点问题。

  • Experimental study on wet oxidation process of VCSEL optimal operation parameters of Venturi scrubber for sodium aerosol scrubbing system

    垂直腔面发射激光器 湿法氧化工艺的实验研究钠气溶胶 除尘系统中文丘里湿式除尘器的优化

  • A control scheme by analyzing the pH control system of absorption tower in wet limestone scrubbing is provided .

    通过对石灰石/石膏 湿法烟气 脱硫 装置中吸收塔浆液pH值控制系统的分析,提出了一种新的控制方案。

  • The principle of wet limestone scrubbing was reviewed . One of the key problems oxidation of sulfite was summarized as well and the effect of additives on oxidation kinetics of sulfite was investigated .

    本文对 湿法脱硫 工艺原理中的关键问题亚硫酸盐的氧化进行了综述,并探讨了添加剂对硫酸盐氧化反应动力学的影响。

  • Wet limestone-gypsum scrubbing system

    湿式石灰石膏 洗涤系统