wet spinning

[wɛt ˈspɪnɪŋ][wet ˈspɪnɪŋ]


  • The effects of the jet stretch ratio and draw ratios of three-stage drawing including air drawing DMF bath drawing hot water and boiling water drawing and dry-hot drawing on the properties of PAN fiber were studied in dry-jet wet spinning .

    研究了干-喷 湿 聚丙烯腈(PAN)初生纤维的喷丝头拉伸比和三级拉伸(空气拉伸、DMF浴拉伸、热水和沸水拉伸、干热拉伸) 工艺中各拉伸比对纤维性能的影响。

  • The elastic polyurethane fibers ( spandex ) were prepared by wet spinning .

    本实验采用 湿法 纺丝 工艺纺制出了弹性纤维。

  • The effect of dry-jet wet spinning conditions on the fiber tenacity was systematically studied .

    系统地研究了干 湿法 纺丝 工艺条件对纤维强度的影响。

  • Study on Preparation and rheologic properties of chitosan fiber wet spinning solution

    甲壳胺纤维 纺丝原液的制备及其流变性能的研究

  • The influence of the solid content in spinning solution on the structure and morphology of PAN nascent fiber by wet spinning

    纺丝液固含量对 湿 PAN初生纤维结构形态的影响

  • The pupa protein fiber is a kind of protein fiber and it was made from pupa protein and viscose by wet spinning .

    蚕蛹蛋白纤维是一种新型的再生蛋白质纤维,是将蚕蛹蛋白质和粘胶通过 湿法 纺丝制成。

  • The aim of the test is to produce 20 cN / dtex PVA fiber and the investigation is made on wet spinning with the addition of boric acid .

    以制造强度为20cN/dtex的聚乙烯醇纤维为目的,对加硼 湿法 纺丝进行了研究。

  • This paper resolves the problems existed in traditional wet spinning and dry wet spinning such as complicated technical process high production cost and waste time and energy . This spinning technology improves the spinnability of chitosan fiber .

    解决了传统的 湿法 纺丝和干湿法纺丝生产壳聚糖纤维时,工艺过程复杂,生产成本高,费时费力的问题,而且提高了壳聚糖纤维的可纺性。

  • The spinning methods of Spandex are dry spinning wet spinning chemical reaction spinning and melt spinning . The output of dry spinning can reach 80 % of Spandex total output in the world .

    氨纶的纺丝方法有干纺、 湿 、化学反应纺丝和熔融纺丝法,干纺产量占世界氨纶总产量的80%。

  • The preparation method of alumina hollow fiber membrane by reaction bonding of aluminum oxide ( RBAO ) technique combined with dry wet spinning process was introduced in this paper .

    介绍了铝氧化反应结合技术与干 湿法 纺丝工艺相结合制备氧化铝中空纤维膜的方法。

  • Therefore we practiced the wet spinning process on solution concentration coagulation system drawing and washing conditions and so on . The best forming conditions of bacterial cellulose fibers was concluded .

    经采用 湿法 纺丝工艺,对溶液浓度、凝固体系、牵伸水洗等工艺条件进行实验,确定了制备细菌纤维素纤维的最佳成形条件。

  • One step single bath dyeing for dry and wet spinning acrylic fiber

    湿法 腈纶同浴一步法染色工艺的探讨

  • A set of PAN precursor computer simulation and information management system was developed based on the systematic study of practical PAN production process and solution polymerization and wet spinning theory .

    以聚丙烯腈(PAN)原丝实际生产过程为研究对象,以溶液聚合和 湿法 纺丝为基础,模拟PAN原 制条件,设计开发了一套PAN原丝计算机仿真与信息管理系统。

  • The colored PMIA fibers were obtained with dope-dyed wet spinning method .

    在PMIA 湿法 纺丝的基础上,利用原液着色的方法,制出着色PMIA纤维。

  • The effect of stretch on the cross-section shape of polyacrylonitrile ( PAIN ) fiber was studied during the process of wet spinning and dry wet spinning .

    研究了 湿法和于湿法纺制异形聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维过程中拉伸对纤维截面形状的影响。

  • Regenerated fibroin fibers were spun with wet spinning method .

    再生丝素纤维 湿法 纺丝

  • The turnable wet spinning and washing combined system for acrylic fiber

    湿法腈纶转向 纺丝、水洗联合装置的研制

  • Compared with wet-spinning dry-jet wet spinning is a relatively better spinning technology for producing carbon fibers with high performance .

    与湿纺的方法相比,干喷 湿 是一种制备高性能碳纤维的优异的纺丝方法。

  • Study on drawing process of dry-jet wet spinning of PAN fiber

    干-喷 湿 聚丙烯腈纤维拉伸工艺研究

  • The Research of Waste Recycle Treatment technology of Linen wet Spinning

    亚麻 湿法 纺纱废水回用处理技术试验研究

  • The relations between the process during the coagulation in PAN / DMSO dry jet wet spinning and the drawing property were investigated and the wet spinning and dry jet wet spinning of the system were compared .

    初步探讨了PAN/DMSO溶液干 湿法 纺丝凝固工艺与 纤维拉伸性能的关系,并对湿法纺丝与干湿法纺丝作了比较。

  • The method starts from dyeing of acrylic polymer powder and then gets the product by wet spinning of acrylic fibers .

    本课题探索了一种新的生产有色腈纶纤维方法,采用腈纶聚合体粉末染色,再通过 湿法 纺丝得到有色腈纶纤维。

  • Dry - Jet wet spinning is new technique for spinning of fibers which has strongpoint of both dry spinning and wet spinning .

    干喷 湿 兼备干法和湿法的优点,是新一代纺丝方法。

  • The RSF filament with xanthate was produced by wet spinning process .

    用自透析 湿法 纺丝,制得含黄原酸盐的再生丝素初生纤维。

  • The whitening process was performed on PAN fiber produced by sodium thiocyanate wet spinning . The effects of the main whitening conditions on whitening effect were discussed .

    对硫氢酸钠 湿法二步法腈纶进行增白,探讨了主要增白工艺条件对增白效果的影响。

  • The application of high shearing pump in two step acrylon wet spinning process

    高剪切泵在腈纶二步法 湿 工艺中的应用

  • Study on the effect of coagulation conditions in wet spinning process of polyacrylonitrile fibers

    湿法 聚丙烯腈原丝凝固过程的研究