wetted area


  • The non-linear hydrodynamic actions induced by the rigid body rotations and the variations of instantaneous wetted surface area are included in the second order analysis .

    在二阶水弹性分析中,主要考虑了大角度刚体转动和瞬时 湿 表面变化引起的非线性水动力。

  • The drag coefficient of the aft wetted area of vehicle also decreased with the ventilated cavitation number .

    随通气空化数的减小,超空泡航行体尾部 沾湿 区域阻力系数也逐渐减小。

  • It was found that the main factor of resistance reduction is the reduction of wetted surface area due to the formation of air cavity .

    阻力减少的主要原因在于喷气时形成的空穴所引起的 浸湿 面积的减少。

  • The larger the soil wetting pattern the more beneficial to crop growing the condition is . Thus the percentage of soil wetted area and soil wetted depth for saline soil is larger than that for un-saline soil .

    此时,土壤 湿润 越大对作物生长越有利,所以盐化土壤上进行膜下滴灌时土壤 湿润比和湿润深度比非盐化土壤的同类指标大。

  • This paper presents a principled invention which has gained patent in 22 countries . The invention puts forward a specific shape of wetted area of the hull .

    这是一 原理性的发明,已获得22个国家的 发明专利。

  • The wetted area is measured by digital image analysis techniques in order to improve measurement precision and study on the theory of liquid transportability of knitted fabrics further .

    二是将先进的数字图像处理技术引入纺织领域,利用数字图像处理技术来测试 润湿 面积,以提高测试精度,为进一步研究针织物导湿机理作准备。

  • To illustrate the application of the ( operating ) equation the theoretical models of spray range discharge and rotating speed of the variable-rate square wetted area sprinkler were derived .

    以方形喷洒域变量喷头为例,推导了方形喷洒域变量喷头射程 转角变化的理论方程,然后应用变量喷头工作方程推导了方形 喷洒 变量喷头理论流量和转速方程。

  • The impact on the flow coefficient order of hydraulic radius cross-sectional area breadth depth ratio and wetted perimeter ; hydraulic radius is the most important factor affecting flow index followed by breadth depth ratio cross-sectional area and wetted perimeter .

    对流量系数k影响最大的流道断面因素依次是水力半径、截面面积、宽深比和 湿周,对流态指数x影响最大的流道断面因素依次是水力半径、宽深比、截面 面积和湿周。

  • The simulation results of wetted area liquid mass flow fluctuation at the outlet spatial liquid film thickness variation and pressure drop are analyzed and qualitatively agree with previous experimental observations .

    本文计算分析了 润湿 面积、出口处液相流量波动、液膜厚度的空间变化以及压降情况。

  • After treatment with the earth dam splitting and clay grouting technique the remarkable effect has been obtained with the wetted area reduced from 2700 m 2 to 107 m 2 ;

    经采用土坝劈裂粘土灌浆技术处理后,使原坝 表面 湿润 面积由2700m2减少至107m2;

  • Plasma Membrane Tension And Water Penetration On the Coefficient of Wetted Area

    湿 面积系数

  • The increase of the amplitude of the flood water level rising caused by the narrowing of main channel the raise of mean elevation of the river bed and the elevated datum level at young flood caused by wetted area reduction are the main causes affecting the disaster-causing effect .

    试验研究揭示,主河槽宽度缩窄造成洪水水位涨幅增大,河底平均高程抬升和 断面 面积减小造成洪水水位起涨的基准面抬升是河道萎缩致灾的主要原因。