West African

[经] 西非

  • Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force

    尼日利亚 向西 维和部队派遣了一大批军队。

  • The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago

    这两个 西非国家两年前已经中断了外交关系。

  • South West African Agricultural union ;

    西南 非洲农业联合会;

  • And Ghana is an important member of Economic Community of West African States and its development momentum is sound .

    加纳是 西非国家经济共同体的重要成员,近年来发展势头良好。

  • The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them


  • A member of a West African people living chiefly in southwest nigeria .

    约鲁巴人一支 西非民族,主要居住于尼日利亚西南。

  • Goober gumbo and tote are West African borrowings first used in America by slaves .

    落花生,秋葵和携带来自 西非并且首先被在美国的奴隶们使用。

  • The music has its origin when West African slaves were brought to Caribbean Island .

    音乐有它的起源当 西非奴隶被带来了到加勒比岛。

  • Tropical West African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment and in folk medicine .


  • A suicide bomber has attacked the French Embassy in the West African State of Mauritania .


  • He 'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire

    他受 西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。

  • West African Centre for Bank Training and Studies


  • The World Bank and the West African central bank have cut financing in an effort to weaken his power .

    世界银行和 西非中央银行也切断了巴博的资金来源,以削弱他的权力。

  • It combined the rhythm of West African dance music with the harmony and melody of European classical .

    它将 非洲 西部舞蹈音乐中的节奏和欧洲古典音乐中的和声和旋律结合在了一起。

  • Smallest guenon monkey ; of swampy central and west African forests .

    最小的长尾猴;产于 非洲中部和 西部潮湿的森林中。

  • Beijing has signed multi-billion dollar resources-for-infrastructure deals with Angola Congo and West African countries .

    北京方面与安哥拉、刚果以及一些 西非国家签署了数十亿美元的资源换基础设施协议。

  • But Burkina Faso is not the only West African country struggling with the ravaging affects of the floods .

    但是布基纳法索并不是唯一一个受到洪水影响的 西非国家。

  • The West African States of nigeria Ivory Coast and Senegal are turning a blind eye to illegal ivory sales that are fueling poaching in surrounding countries wildlife monitors say .


  • The outline of the West African coast stood out vividly in his mind .

    他的脑海里清晰地出现了 西非海岸的轮廓。

  • The European Union and the United States have banned imports of West African mangoes due to fruit fly damage .

    由于果蝇虫害,欧盟和美国已经禁止了 西非芒果的进口。

  • He worked for the International Monetary Fund and the Central Bank of West African States .

    他在国际货币基金组织和 西非国家中央银行工作。

  • It was known that West African dust winds played an essential role in the Amazon mineral supply .


  • Sierra Leone a poor west African country has no fibre-optic link to the outside world .

    塞拉利昂只是 西非的一个贫穷的国家,本国和外界没有光纤连接。

  • The economic community of West African States says it may impose sanctions on Niger .


  • The fund will be set up by the Bank for Investment and Development ( EBID ) of the Economic Community of West African States .

    该基金将由 西非国家经济共同体的投资与开发银行(EBID)建立。

  • He says child labor is an especially serious problem in West African countries .

    他说在 西非 许多国家,儿童劳动力是一个非常严重的问题。