

vt.& vi.(使)西化

  • It was a bid to Westernize China 's pageant heavyweight for the international Miss Universe competition which was held earlier this week in Sao Paulo Brazil .

    这是为了 这位 来自中国的重量级选手西方 然后参加国际环球小姐比赛。国际环球小姐大赛已经于上周在巴西圣保罗举行。

  • Bo Yang published a series of angry responses written by other academics in opposition to his thesis that Chinese culture is and I quote primitive and that Chinese people need to Westernize for the benefit of all .

    他在书中 末尾发表了一系列其他学者针对他的论点所作的 反驳文章,而他的论点就是中国文化是原始的以及中国人需要进行 西化 才能 大众受益。

  • In 1990s ′ the international hostile force has accelerated its steps to use religionary issues to westernize and decompound our country .

    90年代,国际敌对势力加紧利用宗教问题对我国实行 西化 分化

  • We can not simply come to a conclusion that college students influenced by modern culture and Western culture break with the tradition totally westernize and have an aversion to the motherland .

    我们不可简单地以大学生受现代文化、西方文化的影响就得出大学生抛弃传统、全盘 西化、不爱祖国的简单结论。

  • In other words the church charitable organization spread and developed causing the three places charitable organizations to westernize day by day ;

    具体言之,教会慈善组织传入与发展,使得三地的慈善组织 西化 色彩 日益 浓郁

  • Western countries through multi-level politics and economic globalization Penetrate Western ideology an attempt to divide and Westernize Chinese .

    西方国家通过政治多级化和经济全球化对高校进行西方意识形态的渗透,企图分化、 西化中国。

  • We might try to westernize some Chinese dishes .

    我们可以将中国才“ 西化”。

  • So stubbornly opposed to the popularity of English will only close the door opening to the outside world and the overall westernize China will lead to the loss of cultural identity .

    因而一味反对的普及只能使对外开放的大门关闭,而全盘 西化 会导致中国文化身份的失却。