weld assembly

[wɛld əˈsɛmbli][weld əˈsembli]


  • Henry Thorne once programmed hulking robots to weld the frames of Buick regals Pontiac Grand prixs and Chevy cutlass Supremes on a general motors ( GM ) assembly line .

    亨利•索恩曾负责编程控制笨重的机器人,以 焊接通用汽车(GeneralMotors) 装配线上的别克(Buick)君威(Regals),庞蒂克(Pontiac)GrandPrixs和雪佛兰(Chevy)CutlassSupremes的框架。

  • The weld technology evaluation of the assembly weld seams was analyzed with examples .

    通过实例分析了 组合焊缝的 焊接工艺评定方法。

  • CAE Analysis of X Car Subframe Weld in g Assembly

    X轿车副车架 焊接 CAE分析

  • On - Site Weld of Large Scale Catalytic Fractional Column Assembly

    大型催化分馏塔现场 施工

  • Design of Weld - Assembly Workshop for Citroen - fukang Car Body

    神龙富康轿车车身 焊装车间设计

  • Weld Technology Evaluation of the Assembly Weld Seams of Pressure Vessels

    压力容器 组合焊缝的 焊接工艺评定

  • Weld panels and reinforce with members as required to prevent buckling or distortion of the frame or the panel face due to normal handling during transportation and final assembly .

    按要求提供 焊接板及加固件,以防止仪器框或其表面在运输和 安装过程中压弯变形。