weighting factor


  • The effect of various factors on the pulse propagation is analyzed by introducing a weighting factor in finite-difference time-domain method . Finally the dispersion regulation mechanism of two-dimensional photonic crystal is investigated .

    引入 频率 权重 因子,利用时域有限差分法分析了各种因素对脉冲传输的影响。最后,研究了二维光子晶体的色散调控机制。

  • These variables are carrier frequency off-set value pre-emphasis factor weighting factor video spectral distribution and nominal peak to peak frequency deviation .

    这些变量是载频差、预加重因子、 因子、频频谱分布以及标称峰-峰频偏。

  • You might use JavaScript tests as a weighting factor in spam detection rather than as an absolute determinant .

    因此,可以使用JavaScript测试作为检测垃圾信息的一种 衡量 因素,而不是绝对的判断依据。

  • The weighting factor of the weighting factor method put forward by Webb and others is discussed .

    本文首先讨论了Webb等提出的加权因子法的 加权 因子问题。

  • The weighting factor aggregate of influence factors is determined by means of optimization .

    用优化方法确定了影响因素的 权重 因子集合;

  • Based on the neutron energy the value of weighting factor was given .

    根据中子能量给出了相应的 辐射 权重 因子的数值。

  • Weighted Round Robin ( WRR ): RR scheduling with additional weighting factor to compensate for differences in realserver capabilities such as additional CPUs more memory and so on .

    WeightedRoundRobin(WRR):使用附加的 权重 因子进行RR调度以补偿各种realserver功能(如附加CPU、更多内存等)的差异。

  • In the TD-SCDMA standard the principle and realization of complex spectrum spreading weighting factor for Walsh code and dedicated complex scrambling code are even adopted .

    TD-SCDMA系统更是采用了复扩频和Walsh码 加权 因子、专用复扰码的应用理论和实现方案。

  • Two effective methods recurrence calculation and weighting factor are given for reducing errors in numerical computations .

    给出了递推和 采用 加权 因子两种有效方法,减少了数值计算中的误差。

  • For instance when indexing web pages it may be useful to store extra information about a particular word such as an associated URL or weighting factor based on some analysis of the text .

    例如,当索引Web页面时,储存某个关键词的额外信息可能会很有用,例如这个关键词关联的URL或者经过文字分析后得出的 权重 系数

  • Developed a method of introducing weighting factor to area system matrix for getting more accurate system matrix in fan beam X-ray CT ;

    根据扇形束CT射线的密度变化关系和面积系统矩阵的 计算原理,提出了将 密度 因子加入系统矩阵的计算方法;

  • Fuzzy Control Method of Multiple Weighting Factor for Mobile Robot

    移动机器人多 规则 因子模糊控制方法

  • In the computation the algebraic reconstruction technique ( ART ) is adopted and modified . In order to improve the computation stability and convergence of ART and SIRT algorithms a reasonable weighting factor is suggested .

    计算中采用了代数重建法,并就改善ART和SIRT这两种算法的稳定性及收敛速度,提出了较合理的 因子

  • The perfect signal gain is obtained using CMA to train the weighting factor .

    利用恒模算法来训练 加权 因子以获得理想的信号增益。

  • The method is with robustness for great disturbances or outliers generated by measurement systems via choosing weighting factor based on huber function .

    该方法通过Huber函数选择 加权 因子,使得参数估计值对由测量系统引起的大扰动或异常值具有鲁棒性。

  • It observes the present situation of bid evaluation methods on probing theory of bid evaluation methods and summarized the existing problems in traditional evaluations specially problems in the weighting factor determination .

    在探索评标方法理论的基础上评述了目前评标方法的现状,总结了传统评标方法存在的问题,特别是在 权重 系数确定上存在的问题。

  • We revised frequency spectrum functions by using weighting factor - the distance between direct component and alternating component and improved the acuity of focus measure curve .

    提出用交流分量到直流分量的距离作为 加权 因子对频谱评价函数进行改进,有效地提高了对焦评价曲线的灵敏度。

  • Self-tuning adaptive steering system with weighting factor regulation

    调节 因子的自校正自适应操纵系统

  • You can scale this simple calculation with a weighting factor against the average if you need to accommodate some very large files .

    如果需要适应一些超大型文件,可以对平均数使用一个 权重 因子来扩展这个简单计算。

  • The generated energy is corrected by velocity weighting factor to conduct dynamic regulation while the response speed is reached .

    利用速度 权重 因子修正发电量,在满足响应速度的同时实施动态优化调节。

  • The paper introduces the concept and development of radiation weighting factor and analyzes the relationship between neutron radiation weighting factor and dose monitoring .

    摘要文章介绍辐射 权重 因子的概念和发展变化,分析中子辐射权重因子与剂量监测之间的关系。

  • In Gauss combines stochastically in the foundation also considering formation factor . After more systematic choice different step derivative formation factor various steps Gauss derivative profile fitting calculating again various steps derivative the weighting factor .

    在高斯随机组合算法的基础上,加入了对形成因子的考虑,较为系统的选择了不同阶导数的形成因子后,再将各阶高斯导数波形拟合,计算出各阶导数的 权重 系数

  • The selection of the weighting factor is presented .

    给出了不同情况下 加权 因子的选择方法。

  • Both theoretical computation and actual data show that the weighting factor method is superior to correlation method .

    有效波峰的时间 减去 峰值的时 中心时间,便得该 剩余 时差,理论计算和实际资料都证明 因子法优于相关法。

  • And the expert rating the common grading scores ensuring each index score is multiplied by the weighting factor in the calculated scores unity .

    并在专家评分方面,统一评分分值,保证了各指标分值在乘以各 加权 系数计算后分值的统一。使评价指标更为明确,客观,确保指标更为合理化。

  • Weighted Support Vector Regression Based on Weighting Factor Optimization

    基于 加权 系数寻优的回归型加权支持向量机

  • In this process improved in the generalized predictive control algorithm control weighting factor the use dynamic control weighting factor has enabled the control to achieve a better effect .

    这此过程中改进了广义预测控制算法中的控制 加权 系数λ,利用动态控制加权系数λ使控制达到更好的效果。

  • The Design of the Minimum Beat Systems and Application of the Staleness Weighting Factor

    最少拍系统的设计与失效 加权 因子的应用