weights and measures


  • Days biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 w_516 water quality objective w_521 The weights and measures were standardized .

    五天生化需氧量〔水质指标〕这 重量 尺寸都要标准化才行。

  • The third aspect analyzed the background and content of monetary reform in particular emphasized that the establishment of a unified monetary model and unit and a unified weights and measures system .

    第三个方面是分析货币改革的背景和内容,特别强调统一货币样式、单位 度量 制度的建立。

  • Market value management integrates weights and measures

    市值管理统一 度量

  • The weights and measures were standardized .

    重量 尺寸都要标准化才行。

  • Conversion to the metric system of weights and measures ; metrification . Prediction of Molecular Weight Scale and Molecular Weight Distribution of Cellulose Using a Rheology-Based Method

    公制化测量 重量 度量时采用公制;改为公制流变法测定纤维素的分子量标度及分子量分布

  • The Weights and Measures is a man-made segmentation of objective things therefore has different characteristics .

    度量 衡量词表示的是人为的对客观事物的切分,因此具有不同的特征。

  • Establish uniform bankruptcy laws ; coin money and regulate its value ; fix standards of weights and measures ;

    制定统一的破产法,铸造钱币并控制其价值,确立 度量 标准;

  • Within the framework of Mutual Recognition Arrangement ( MRA ) the international equivalence of national measurement standards is determined by a series of key comparisons organized by the Consultative Committees of the International Committee for Weights and Measures ( CIPM ) .

    在国际互认框架内,国家计量标准的国际等效性是通过国际计量委员会( CIPM)的咨询委员会组织的一系列国际关键比对来确定的。

  • Clause 5 : To coin Money regulate the Value thereof and of foreign Coin and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures ;

    铸造货币,调议其价值,并厘定外币价值, 以及制定 度量 的标准;

  • The branch also enforces consumer protection legislation relating to the safety of toys children 's products and consumer goods the integrity of weights and measures ;

    贸易管制处也负责执行保障消费者的 法例范围包括玩具、儿童产品和消费品的安全;

  • The adaptation of dates and hours weights and measures currencies and addresses that often vary according to countries and languages .

    日期和几小时的适应, 重量 措施,经常变化根据国家和语言的货币和地址。

  • The conception and applied meaning of dan in the period of Qin and Han Dynasties were analysed and discussed from two aspects such as weights and measures and bureaucratic establishment in the paper .

    将石作为一个概念 分别从 度量 和官制层面进行分析和论述,着重探讨秦汉时期石的特定内涵及其在应用中的重要意义。

  • The regulation of weights and measures of articles offered for sale .

    对出售商品 度量 的规定。

  • The SCL is a signatory to the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement for National Measurement Institutes operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures .

    实验所是国家计量院全球互认协定的签署成员之一,该协定由国际 计量经办

  • Under his absolute but benevolent rule justice was administered impartially better standards of weights and measures were introduced and many beautiful buildings were erected .

    在他专制而又仁慈的统治之下,国家实施公正,引进先进的 度量 标准.建造许多漂亮的高楼大厦。

  • The metric system of weights and measures shall be introduced in this contract unless otherwise instructed by the Purchaser .

    合同中应采用 公制 计量单位,除非买方另有要求。

  • I compiled weights and measures streets countries and their capitals .

    我的类别有 度量 、街道、国家及其首都。

  • Indicate time date weather natural phenomenon environment price weights and measures etc.

    表示时间、日期、天气、自然现象、环境、价格、 度量

  • You must have accurate and honest weights and measures so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you .

    这样 在耶和华你神所 你的 上,你的日子就可以长久。

  • A decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and the kilogram and the second .

    重量 以米公斤秒为基础的 十进制

  • And used non-even weights and measures this tar - get to analyze the housing market different period supply and demand unbalanced situation and the reason unified the historical data .

    通过非 均衡 这一 指标 结合历史数据分析了住宅市场不同阶段的供求失衡情况和原因。

  • Unified weights and measures is the core business of each country .

    统一 度量 就是每个国家的核心事务。

  • The continental press were beguiled by contemporary political parallels and problems how did China manage a common currency harmonise laws and weights and measures and establish one language of administration in 220bc ?

    欧洲大陆新闻界被当代政治对比和各种问题迷住了在公元前220年,中国如何实现了货币通用、统一了各种法律与 度量 还统一了语言?

  • To coin money regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin and fix the standard of weights and measures ;

    铸造货币,厘定本国货币和外国货币的价值,并确定 度量 的标准;

  • Checks labels weights and measures cargo .

    检查货物标签及 重量进行 量度

  • An ordinance regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of articles of consumption .

    调节 重量 尺寸和重量及消费品的价格的法规。