white-collar workers


  • White-collar workers now work longer hours .

    如今 白领 工人的工作时间比以前更长了。

  • A psychiatric counselor she says her privately-run counseling center in Beijing helps urbanites and white-collar workers who mostly suffer from depression and anxiety .

    她作为一名精神病顾问,她在北京的民营的心理咨询服务中心,帮助市民和 白领 工作 人员,他们大多患有抑郁症和焦虑症。

  • McDonald 's capture people 's awareness of this very strategically positioned itself to allow white-collar workers to do the fashion it .

    麦当劳捕捉到了人们的这种意识,非常有策略地将自己定位于能让 白领 如愿以偿的时尚之处。

  • Health experts believe that university students and white-collar workers are particularly susceptible to risky lifestyles and few realize how permanent damage can be .

    健康专家认为,大学生和 白领 人群尤其易受不良生活方式的影响,且很少有人意识到这些习惯会造成多么长久的危害。

  • They are female white-collar workers .

    在这个 的都是女性 白领 员工

  • As more white-collar workers move to the suburbs for their lower housing prices transportation to downtown will become only a bigger challenge .

    随着越来越多的 公司 白领 受到房价较低的 吸引而搬到了郊区,到市中心的交通问题将只会成为一个更大的挑战。

  • Many white-collar workers buy houses in installments . The collar turns back in the latest fashion .

    许多 白领 人士用分期付款的方式买房子.最新款式的衣领是翻领。

  • People who work in offices are called white-collar workers .

    城市里在办公室工作的人称为 白领

  • However a promising job and the opportunities that a metropolis have to offer leave Chen and many other young white-collar workers in a state of ambivalence .

    然而,一个有前途的工作以及大都市所提供的大量机会让陈霓和其他许多年轻 白领处在一种矛盾状态中。

  • The survey also showed white-collar workers are rarely involved in public welfare work .

    调查也显示很少有 白领关心公众社会福利。

  • As the financial crisis squeezes the real economy urban white-collar workers speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages .

    金融危机真正的紧压了经济,都市 白领谈到他们收缩的奖金和冻结的薪水。

  • May not come to the United States I may have have been married living the life of ordinary white-collar workers .

    也许不来美国,我可能也已结婚生子,过着普通 白领的生活。

  • Instead more and more Chinese white-collar workers began to view saving money as fashionable .

    反而,越来越多中国 白领 开始注重节俭成为一种时尚。

  • He also notes that plumbers and electricians often earn more than graduates partly because they have a level of job security that in the age of outsourcing white-collar workers no longer enjoy .

    他还指出,水管工和电工的收入经常超过大学毕业生,部分原因是,他们在一定程度上拥有就业保障在如今这个流行外包的时代, 白领 工作者已不再享有这种保障。

  • Through negotiation the companies have arrived at innovative solutions such as white-collar workers volunteering for temporary wage cuts to help reduce job losses in the factories .

    通过协商,这两家企业得出了创新的解决办法,例如, 白领 员工自愿暂时降薪,以帮助减少工厂中的裁员。

  • But in today 's economy educated white-collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing .

    但是,在今天的经济中,受过教育的 白领 工人也同样容易受到裁员的攻击。

  • In addition many white-collar workers are suffering from career pressures and health problems .

    此外,除了 房子,许多 白领还承受职场压力和健康问题。

  • The target customers are white-collar workers and young people who are fond of online shopping .

    目标客户为 白领 阶层和喜爱网络购物的年轻人。

  • You should learn from those female white-collar workers to wear radiation protection mask .

    你应该学那些女 白领 一样,带上防辐射面罩。

  • Nonetheless a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers .

    不过,经济适用男 据说是中国女性 白领 新近的理想对象。

  • Money really can 't buy happiness according to a new survey showing lawyers and other well-paid white-collar workers are more likely to suffer depression .

    看来金钱确实买不到快乐。一项最新调查表明,律师和其他一些高薪 白领患抑郁症的几率较大。

  • Young Chinese white-collar workers may enjoy the adventure of a foreign posting .

    年轻的中国 白领可能比较喜欢接受去国外的委派。

  • Most of the business ` s customers are college students and young white-collar workers .

    行业的大多数顾客都是大学生或者年轻 白领

  • Most people in this clan are 20 to 35-year old white-collar workers and college students .

    零帕族的年龄集中在20-35岁之间,多由年轻 白领和大学生组成。

  • Many white-collar workers like stock brokers and investment bankers find themselves in the unemployment lines .

    许多 白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。

  • Doing aerobics can relieve pressure which is why it is so popular among white-collar workers .

    做有氧运动能减压,这就是为什么有氧运动很受 白领 职员欢迎的原因。

  • In fact the blue-and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management .

    事实上,蓝领和 白领 工人已经成了伴随自动化机器和官僚主义管理方式的节奏翩翩起舞的经济玩偶。

  • Despite the new layer of protection the suit seems fairly similar to others worn by Japanese white-collar workers .

    尽管西服上有一层新的防护层,但看起来跟日本 白领 工人 穿的西服几乎没什麽区别。