white ash

[hwaɪt æʃ][hwait æʃ]


  • Recovery and separation of as and Zn from the leaching solution of white ash


  • Such as color black and white ash how to better coordinate the relationship between various forms . And how to use these factors form a better form of expression is the theme of the external structural problems .


  • The result of the test shows that the survival percent of the second generation planting forest separately is 94.9 % White Birch 90.6 % Manchurian Ash 95.6 % Dragon Spruce 92.8 % Larch average survival percent is 93.5 % ;

    试验结果表明:二代人工林当年成活率分别是, 白桦94.9%、水 曲柳90.6%、云杉95.6%、落叶松92.8%,平均成活率达到93.5%;

  • The technologies were studied for the production of activated carbon an adsorbent for the soy oil industry sodium silicate and white carbon black from rice hull ( RH ) or rice hull ash ( RHA ) .

    本文分别以稻壳和稻壳 为原料,研究了由稻壳制备活性炭、由稻壳 制备植物油精炼中的脱色剂和水玻璃与 白炭黑的方法,并对产品的功能性质加以分析。

  • New Process for Preparation of Poly Aluminum Ferric Chloride and White Carbon Black from Fly Ash

    煤灰制聚合氯化铝铁和 碳黑新工艺

  • The basic principle and production technology of producing high quality white carbon from rice husk ash is introduced .

    介绍了由稻壳 生产优质 白炭黑的基本原理及工艺, 实验结果表明:由稻壳 生产白炭黑的新工艺,能生产出优质白炭黑产品。

  • A few per cent of the initial weight remained as a white residue and was classified as ash .

    只剩下的 白色沉淀物是原重量的几个百分点,被分类为

  • Articles of chapter ⅲ . was I from the perspective of practice from the perspective of another new intrinsic qualities of color that is the color of white ash .


  • The white ash can then be returned to the next of kin of the deceased .

    剩余 骨灰随后可以被返还至死者的家属。

  • The bark is dried and burnt to produce a white colored ash .

    剥皮晒干、烧毁,产生 白色 灰烬

  • Study on the Process of White Carbon Black and Activated Carbon with Rice Husk Ash

    稻壳 生产 白炭黑、活性炭工艺参数的研究

  • Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater with Waste Acid from Titanium White Production and Fly Ash

    钛白废酸与粉 煤灰集合处理染料废水试验研究

  • Adopting 11 kinds of color terms such as black white red orange yellow green blue purple brown ash and pink the study investigated the characteristics of the color word association among college students .

    用黑、 、红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、棕、 和粉红11个基本颜色词研究大学生颜色词联想。

  • The higher the rice whitening degree the less the crude fiber content of rice bran in second and third stages the lower the white rice yield the more the broken rice content and the less the ash content .

    大米的精度越高,二、三机米糠所含粗纤维越低,出米率越低, 碎米率越高, 灰分的含量越低。

  • Television footage showed thousands of people fleeing the eruptions in panic some covered in white ash as officials tried to help them escape the area .

    从电视画面上看到,成千上万的人惊恐地大声叫喊,四处逃散,有些人身上都散落着 白色 火山 ,政府官员在努力帮他们逃离现场。

  • Leaning down to the pile of white ash on the closet floor the baker 's wife shouts Does this mean dinner 's off tonight ?

    面包师的老婆弯腰看着壁橱底板上那堆 白灰大声说:“这么着,他是不是不来吃晚饭了?”

  • Black and white ash eternal mass-tone attune match with red olivine seasonal fashion .

    黑白 永恒的主色调,配以红黄绿每季的流行色。

  • Study on method of improving quality of active carbon and white carbon black prepared from rice hull ash

    提高稻壳 制备活性炭、 白炭黑质量的方法研究

  • Research into the development of polymer aluminum Crystal aluminum sulphate white charcoal and compound stuffing by making use of flying ash

    综合利用 煤灰制备聚合铝、结晶硫酸铝、 白炭黑和复合填料的研究

  • Study on Stabilization of Soils with Enzyme X-22 and White Lime-Fly Ash

    用坚土酶和熟 石灰 煤灰加固土壤的研究

  • In contrast the smooth white cloud on top may be water condensation that resulted from rapid rising and cooling of the air mass above the ash column .

    美国宇航局的声明说,火山烟柱主体看起来是由褐色的 火山 白色的水蒸气构成的。快速升腾的烟柱使水蒸气看起来像气泡。

  • I jumped up to try to help you but by the time I got there you were nothing but white ash .

    我跳起来想帮你,但还没到你那里的时候,你已成了 白色 灰烬

  • Basic ink has only black and white with ink as raw materials add in water and draw the different shade ( black white ash ) level which is called MoYun .

    基本的水墨画只有黑白两色,以墨为原料,以加入清水的多少不同而绘制出不同浓淡(黑、 )的层次,称之为墨韵。

  • Test on Introduce of White Ash to the Gullied Rolling Loess Area and Study on Cultivation

    美国 白蜡在黄土高原沟壑区的引种试验及栽培方式研究