white atrophy

[hwaɪt ˈætrəfi][hwait ˈætrəfi:]


  • The seminal changes such as decreased lymphocytes white pulp atrophy hemorrhage and necrosis and decreased expression of lymphocytes for CD4 antigen could also observe in spleen .

    脾脏也可观察到淋巴细胞数量的减少, 萎缩,出血坏死,表达CD4的阳性细胞减少。

  • On the thirtieth day chronic inflammation occurred including white pulp of spleen and lymphoid tissue of cortex lymph node atrophy stromal cells of cortex of lymph node being in a large numder and plasma cells of medullary cord increasing largely .

    第30天,脾 髓与淋巴结皮质淋巴组织 萎缩,淋巴结皮质基质细胞增多,髓索浆细胞大量增多等慢性炎症现象发生。

  • The freeze drying powder was pure white with good disparity ( without collapse or atrophy ) . After adding with double distilled water it was white emulsus solution with good redispersibility .

    冻干粉剂为 白色疏松粉末,无塌陷或 萎缩现象,加双蒸水后为白色乳状溶液,再分散性良好。

  • Results Necroses and degenerations of globus pallidus in 9 cases cerebral white matter demyelination in 3 cases and brain atrophy in 3 cases were showed by CT .

    结果CT诊断苍白球变性坏死9例,脑 质脱髓鞘3例,脑 萎缩3例。CT的阳性检出为15例,阳性率28.8%。

  • Cognitive impairment and diffuse white matter atrophy in alcoholics

    慢性酒精中毒患者的认知功能障碍与弥散性大脑 萎缩的关系研究

  • Association between blood pressure white matter lesions and atrophy of the medial temporal lobe

    血压、 质损伤和颞叶内侧 萎缩之间的联系

  • Treatment of white atrophy by plasma exchange : a case report

    血浆置换治疗 白色 萎缩1例

  • In addition unconditioned logistic regression analysis showed that the number of infarcts in subcortex of lobus frontalis and thalamus size of infarcts in anterior white matter around the body of ventriculus lateralis and degree of leukoaraiosis and accompanied brain atrophy were significantly correlated with vascular dementia .

    非条件Logistic回归分析额叶皮质下及丘脑梗死灶数目、侧脑室旁前部 质梗死灶体积、脑白质疏松以及脑皮层 萎缩的程度与血管性痴呆的发生显著相关。