white collar job

[hwaɪt ˈkɑlɚ dʒɑb][hwait ˈkɔlə dʒɔb]

[法] 脑力工作, 文职

  • The lack of white collar workers has created a mercenary class of executives who bounce from job to job seeking wage increases of even just several hundred dollars a year .

    因为 白领工人的稀缺,很多唯利是图的中层管理人员为了只有几百块美元的年薪的增长,不断 跳槽

  • How can you be sure that you can find a white collar job .

    你怎么能这样自信你一定能找到一 工作

  • There were differences detected between blue collar and white collar workers who 'd been fired laid off or voluntarily left a job however .

    不管怎么样, 蓝领白领无论谁被解雇、下岗或者自愿离开都是有差别的。