white lead

[hwaɪt lid][hwait li:d]


  • Riding a white boat race organized spontaneously by the people there is no fixed organization and lead people .

    船比赛由群众自发举办,没有固定的组织机构和 牵头人。

  • If anything the black and white served to enhance his Mephistophelian quality but she put her hand on his arm and allowed him to lead her into the waiting lift .

    如果有什么区别的话, 黑白两色只是增加了他的冷酷,不过她还是把手放在他的胳膊上,让他 自己走进正等他们的升降机。

  • The White House said that both men had committed to follow the facts of the investigation wherever they lead and had also pledged their utmost efforts to ensure the security of the Republic of Korea its armed forces territory and its people .

    白宫表示,(韩美)双方都“承诺以调查事实为依据,无论结果 指向何方”,同时也誓言“尽他们最大的努力,确保韩国及其军队,以及其领土与人民的安全”。

  • The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways .

    霍皮人被告诉在一个时间之后, 白人就会来到,占领他们的土地和试图 引导霍皮人进入邪恶里。

  • In this work the high power white lighting emitting diode ( LED ) were packaged on a anthropophagi lead by GaN-based blue LED chip in the size of 1 mm × 1 mm and YAG ∶ Ce yellow fluorescence .

    用1mm×1mm的大尺寸GaN基蓝光发光二极管(LED)芯片和YAG∶Ce黄光荧光粉在 食人鱼支架上封装大功率 白光LED。

  • Ensure that the wiring of the white noise signal is changed under the shield of the test analogue port otherwise it might lead to boosting or loss of field .

    确保 噪声信号的布线测试模仿端口的屏蔽下的改动,否则能够会 招致以提高或范畴的损失。

  • The CBO report said the White House proposal to increase it to $ 10.10 would lift 900 people out of poverty but lead to the elimination of 500 other jobs .

    国会预算办公室的报告称,如果按 白宫提议的那样将最低时薪上调至10.10美元,将有90万人摆脱贫困,但 导致另外50万个就业岗位被裁。

  • It can turn any part of your dog 's body white and without treatment it can lead to blindness says Dr.

    这种病 使你狗狗身上的任何部分变 ,无法治愈。

  • It is probably that the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid induced ischemia in certain area of brain and insecondary atrophy of pericerebral white matter which lead to the increased electric excitability of the brain cells .

    推测是由于脑脊液的积聚导致脑部特定区域出现缺血及继发性脑周 质萎缩,最终 出现脑细胞电生理兴奋性增高现象。

  • White was nowhere to be seen when a sitting president of his own party made a rare visit to the state White is campaigning to lead and Perry met with Obama-for about a minute .

    在其所属党派的现任总统对其正在竞选州长的地方进行一次少有的光临之时,任何地方都看不到 怀特先生。而 帕瑞先生则与奥巴马见了一分钟的面。

  • Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins . fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles

    麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种 白色甜葡萄香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用 或锡箔制作

  • Giant white arrows are now visible onscreen acting like breadcrumbs to lead you to the next checkpoint .

    巨大的 白色箭头显示在屏幕上,像面包屑一样把你 引导至下一个记录点。

  • Aluminum Tripolyphosphate as a new generation of white antirust pigment made by Xinsheng Chemical is the ideal substitute of toxic antirust pigments containing lead or chrome .

    由鑫盛化工公司生产的新一代公害 白色防锈颜料(三聚磷酸铝),是 、铬系有毒防锈颜料理想的换代产品。

  • Convention Concerning the Use of White Lead in Painting

    关于油漆中使用 白铅的公约

  • The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black .

    最初的 白色 质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。

  • However operation excition is often not gaussian white noise e.g. It is possible that the colored nois which contains of some of the harmonic components even specific noise which contains of complex spectrum components . It can lead to uncertainty of modal analysis .

    但设备的工作激励往往不是高斯分布的 噪声,例如可能是含有某些谐波成分的有色噪声,甚至是频谱成分复杂的特定噪声,从而 导致工作模态分析的不确定性。

  • In a report issued on Wednesday the White House said climate change would act as an accelerant of instability around the world prompting water scarcity and food shortages that could escalate tensions and lead to overpopulation .

    在周三发布的报告中, 白宫表示,气候变化会成为世界各地不稳定局面的催化剂,引发水荒和食物短缺,这会加剧冲突, 导致人口过剩。

  • Football player Reggie white died of the condition and Jerry Garcia the lead singer of the grateful dead died of complications caused by it he added .

    欧康纳还补充道,足球明星 雷吉•怀特就是死于此症,感恩而死乐队(GratefulDead)的 主唱杰瑞•加西亚也是死于此症引起的并发症。

  • Obama held a White House news conference to announce that Vice-President Joe Biden will lead an interagency effort to craft new gun policies .

    奥巴马在 白宫举行的新闻发布会上宣布,副总统拜登将 带领各部门起草新的枪支政策。

  • Conclusion : Reaming and intramedullary fixation induced the mechanical obstruction of bone debris bone marrow and fat cells in pulmonary arterioles and capillaries . The formation of embolus of white blood cells and the infiltration of neutrophil and macrophage could further lead to lung injury .

    结论:扩髓髓腔内固定导致肺小动脉及毛细血管内骨碎片及骨髓脂肪组织的机械栓塞,以及肺内血管 细胞栓子形成,中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞浸润等炎性改变,并由此 引起肺损伤。

  • It is found that hematite and malachite are more stable to both light and moisture than lead pigments especially red lead which can change into white lead at high humidity ( RH from 66 % to 81 % ) with ultraviolet ray .

    铅颜料容易变化,尤其是铅丹在光照高湿(相对湿度66%~81%)条件下变成 铅白

  • A cement resembling putty ; made by mixing white and red lead in boiled linseed oil ; used as luting on pipe fittings .

    一种类似油灰的胶泥,由 白色和红色的 与煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,用于封闭管道接口。

  • Silicon surface adsorb protein to promote adhesion of white blood cells and microneedles which would lead to stress response . Therefore Silicon cannot be applied to human therapy directly .

    硅材料表面会吸附蛋白质,会促使 血球和微针的粘合,被刺入区域可能会 产生应激性反应,所以硅微针不能直接用于人体治疗。

  • It rests on the assumption that nonwhites need the White Messiah to lead their crusades .

    它建立在非白人需要 白人救世主来 领导他们的正义之战的臆想之上。

  • Among the heavier metals is a group of white metals including tin lead and cadmium ;

    还有常用的 重金属类,比如锡, ,镉;

  • With markets increasingly unnerved about the lack of progress pressure is rising on the White House to make a new effort to broker a deal after allowing Congress to take the lead for several days .

    由于市场对谈判缺乏进展愈感不安,在允许国会 牵头展开数天的谈判之后, 白宫面临越来越大的压力来采取新的措施促成协议的达成。