white acid

[hwaɪt ˈæsɪd][hwait ˈæsid]


  • Industrial Experiment of Producing Titanium White by Acid Dissolved Titanium Slag Eco-efficiency Analysis of Titanium White Production

    溶性钛渣制取 钛白工业试验钛白粉生产的生态效率分析

  • Clarification of Titanium White Waste Acid Using Ceramic Microfiltration Membrane

    陶瓷微滤膜澄清 钛白研究

  • A white dicarboxylic acid formed from oxidation of sugar or starch .

    一种 白色的二 羧酸,由糖或淀粉氧化形成。

  • Analysis on the Atmospheric Environment Based on White City Acid Rain Situation

    基于 白城酸雨状况下的大气环境分析

  • A white crystalline acid C3N3 ( OH ) 3 that decomposes with heating to form cyanic acid .

    一种 白色晶状 ,C3N3(OH)3,用加热作用分解而形成氰酸。

  • Studies on Powdery White Tungstic Acid (ⅻ) & Preparation and Properties of Certain Organic Ammonium Polytungstates

    粉状 钨酸的研究(Ⅻ)&某些聚钨酸有机铵盐的合成和性质

  • Use of Diatom Earth Filter Aid in the Manufacture of Titanium White by Sulfuric Acid Method

    硅藻土助滤剂在 硫酸钛白生产中的应用

  • Influence of FeSO_4 on permeate flux of ceramic membrane in microfiltration of titanium white waste acid


  • A white crystalline amino acid that is essential for nutrition ; obtained by the hydrolysis of most dietary proteins .

    一种 白色晶状 氨基酸,营养必需,通过多数食物蛋白质水解获得。

  • A white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol ; used in the manufacture of glass and paper and adhesives and in detergents and as a flux in welding ; also used as an antiseptic and food preservative .

    一种 白色或无色的 弱酸固体,能溶于水和酒精,用于制造玻璃、纸和粘合剂。

  • Studies on White Powdery Tungstic Acid (ⅴ) & Direct Preparation of 12-Tungstophosphoric Acid from White Powdery Tungstic Acid and Its Purification through n-Butyl Ether Extraction

    粉状 钨酸的研究(Ⅴ)&12-钨磷酸的直接制备以及用正丁醚的提纯法

  • This paper introduced a manufacturing process of manganese sulfate with titanium white waste sulfuric acid and good environmental and economic benefit were obtained .

    介绍了用 钛白硫酸制工业硫酸锰的生产工艺及采用该工艺可获取的良好环境效益和经济效益。

  • Nanoparticle WO_3 Thin Film NO_2 Sensors from White Tungstic Acid


  • Prop . : White crystal acid taste soluble in water .

    性状: 白色粒状结晶,有醋 酸味,易溶于水。

  • A white crystalline carboxylic acid used as a preservative .

    一种 白色晶状羧基 ,用作防腐剂。

  • An aromatic white crystalline acid C6H5COOH used to season tobacco and in perfumes dentifrices and germicides .

    苯甲酸,安息香 :一种芳香的 白色结晶 ,C6H5COOH,用来风干烟草或用于香水、洗牙水和杀菌剂。

  • A white crystalline acid COOH ( CH2 ) 8COOH used in the manufacture of certain synthetic resins and fibers various plasticizers and polyester rubbers .

    任一种 白色的晶体 ,化学式为COOH(CH2)8COOH,用于生产某些合成胶、纤维多种增塑剂和聚脂橡胶。

  • Study of Recovery of TiO_2 by Flotation of Waste Residues from Titanium White Acid Hydrolysis

    浮选法从 钛白 解废渣中回收TiO2的研究

  • Studies on White Powdery Tungstic Acid (ⅳ) & Preparation of Ammonium Metatungstate and Study on its Polycrystalline X-ray Diffraction Pattern

    粉状 钨酸的研究(Ⅳ)&偏钨酸铵的制备及多晶X光衍射图谱的指标化

  • Application of titanium white waste acid in calcium per - phosphate production


  • Study on the Preparation of Manganese Sulfate from Manganese Spar and Titanium White Waste Acid Toxic Effect of Electrolyze Mn on Rice and Working Electrolyze Mn with Three-dimensional Electrode


  • A white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide .

    一种 白色 弱酸,是二氧化钛与水结合的形式。

  • Laboratory Study on Producing Titanium White by Acid Dissolved Titanium Slag

    溶性钛渣制取 钛白的实验室研究

  • Studies on White Powdery Tungstic Acid (ⅹ) & Ion Exchange Properties of white Powdery Tungstic Acid

    粉状 钨酸的研究(Ⅹ)&粉状白钨酸的离子交换性能

  • There are several dozen plants producing titanium white by sulfuric acid process in China but they are small in scale and capacity with few product varieties .

    我国 硫酸钛白生产厂有数十家,生产规模和生产能力小,钛白品种少。

  • Sulfuric acid titanium white waste acid treatment of the status and development proposals in the Panzhihua Iron and Steel Waste Acid Treatment

    硫酸法 钛白处理现状和攀钢废酸处理发展建议

  • A white solid fatty acid found in waxes ( such as beeswax ) .

    从蜡状物(如蜂蜡)中发现的一种 白色的固体脂肪

  • CLEAN PRODUCTION PROCESS FOR WHITE OIL SULFURIC ACID REFINING Implementation of Clear Production in Initial Pilot Development in Western Jiangsu Oilfield

    白油 硫酸精制的清洁生产工艺江苏油田西部新区试采初期清洁生产工艺研究

  • Application prospect of the patent technology of producing magnesium sulfate with titanium white waste acid


  • Studies on white powdery tungstic acid VI. PMR study of several metatungstates

    粉状 钨酸的研究&Ⅵ.多种偏钨酸盐的PMR谱研究