weighted voltage

[电] 权衡电压

  • Multiple - Output Forward Converter with Weighted Voltage Control

    加权 电压控制多路输出正激变换器的研究

  • The weighted mean method and maximum likelihood method are analyzed and compared with each other . The conclusion skows both methods are suited for processing data of impulse discharge voltage .

    加权平均法和最大似然法进行了分析和比较,认为这两种方法均适用于冲击放电 电压的数据处理。

  • In the traditional deadbeat control method the sinusoidal signal serves as the voltage reference while in the novel control method the weighted average of the sinusoidal reference signal and the current output voltage signal is chosen as the target value of the next sampling instant .

    该方案与传统无差拍控制的区别是,不是将正弦信号作为参考电压,而是采用当前的输出 电压和正弦信号的 加权平均作为下一控制周期的目标量。

  • The application of an algorithm based on weighted least squares estimation method measuring and computing parameters of synchronous machine is studied these parameters can be directly obtained by repeatedly processing the armature voltage and field current data of load rejection tests .

    通过在抛载试验中引入 加权最小二乘参数辨识法,处理电枢 电压和电枢电流,直接得到参数。