wheel base

[hwil bes][hwi:l beis]


  • The effect of change in wheel base position of center of gravity on the vibrational characteristics of wheel type construction machines are analyzed based on vibration theory to provide a referential footing for the selection of these parameters .

    根据振动理论,分析了 轴距、质心位置改变对轮式工程机械振动特性的影响,为这此参数的选择提供了一定的参考依据。

  • Study on Optimum Design Method For Wheel Base of A Hauling Automobile And Span Length of A Trailer

    关于牵引车 轴距及挂车挂跨距优化设计方法的分析及研究

  • Quantitative wheel base adjustment mechanism can achieve test bench wheel base adjustment arrival location one time .

    定量 轴距调整机构能实现试验台轴距调整一次自动到位。

  • Both hardware and software of wheel speed signal acquisition system are designed . A new method which is base on the frequency and period measurement methods is proposed to process wheel speed signal then real-time performance is analyzed .

    设计了 速信号采集系统的软硬件,提出一种 基于频率法和周期法的ABS轮速采集算法,并分析了该算法的实时性。

  • Wheel Loader Product Development Knowledge Base 's Plan and Application Research

    装载机产品开发知识 的规划及应用研究

  • The suspension frame is more suitable to vehicles with long wheel base because the two suspension frames are connected with linkage and the linkage can have a longer design .

    由于联动悬架中的两悬架用连杆相连,连杆可以设计得较长,因此这种悬架更适用于 轮距较大的车辆。

  • Popularization and application of lime-fly ash stabilizing magnetization wheel road base on Qian'an city

    二灰稳定磁化 道路 基层在迁安市的推广应用

  • The long wheel base Range Rover LSE showcases a number of'firsts'for an off-road vehicle including air suspension and electronic traction control .

    长轴距为 基础的揽胜LSE创造了越野车一系列的“第一次”,包括空气动力系统和电子牵引力控制系统。

  • The steering wheel base with left set ignition switch is mainly designed for the taxi so that the key of the automobile is not convenient to be robbed by the criminal wishing to hijack the taxi .

    点火开关左置式方向 基座,主要是为出租车所设计,能使欲劫持出租车的犯罪分子不便于抢到汽车的钥匙。

  • Before the laser technology has come out we used to measure the angle of attack between wheel and rail by a rail base scheme which was difficult to perform . This question remained unresolved for a long time .

    在激光技术问世之前,用轨 方案测定 轮轨冲角是一个十分困难的课题,长期未得到解决。

  • Track parameters such as wheel / rail friction coefficient track pads stiffness under the rail track harmonic excitation and rail base slope to discuss related parameters on the influence of wheel / rail vertical dynamic action .

    然后分析轨道参数如 轮轨摩擦系数、轨道轨下胶垫刚度、轨道谐波激扰以及轨 坡等对轮轨垂向动力作用的影响。

  • They also correct the wheel base length back to standard by moving the diff forward .

    它们还通过差速器前移将 轴距向前修正到标准位置。

  • This paper presents a group of formulas for designing optimally wheel base of a hauling automobile and span length of a trailer .

    本文在运用结构力学、汽车结构及汽车理论对国内外牵引车轴距及挂车挂跨距设计进行系统分析及研究的 基础上,提出一组牵引车 轴距及挂车挂跨距优化设计公式。

  • Simple handling method of MDY-150 chainless haulage winning machins travel wheel 's supporting base cracking

    MDY&150无链采煤机行走 支撑 开焊的简易处理方法

  • The modal analysis of the resilient wheel base on ANSYS

    基于ANSYS的弹性 车轮模态分析

  • The locomotion simulations were processed according to the parameters of the four wheel steering model vehicle in my lab whose control strategy is proportional control . The systemic analysis was done on the base of the results of simulation .

    在此 基础上,对四 转向样车进行了 前后 转角成比例控制的 转向车辆(4WS)的运动学仿真,并针对仿真结果进行了系统的分析。

  • Light truck with long wheel base

    长轴 轻型载重汽车

  • The largest of the large high-precision bearings and wheel bearings bearing production base has been gradually put into operation ;

    全国最大的特大型轴承和 转盘轴承高精密轴承生产 基地已经陆续投产;

  • Finally the displacement under wheel points and the deformation and non-homogenous road base under different loading by finit element analysis are given in this paper .

    最后,通过有限元的分析计算得出了均质泥岩路基与非均质(层状)泥岩 路基的变形与 压下的位移值。

  • Considering the effect of surface water pressure wheel load speed of the vehicle frictional force and pavement structure research the restrain effect of drainage base course from the view of fluid-solid coupling .

    模拟中考虑道路表面动水压力的影响,着重研究 车载、车速、摩擦力和路面结构等的影响,从流固耦合动力学角度论证排水 基层的水损坏抑制效应。

  • A lengthened lorry bin is arranged on the lorry chassis with a long wheel base and three rows of seats are arranged in the lorry bin .

    长轴 汽车底盘上。安置一加长车仓,车仓内设置三排座。

  • According to this formula the time of changing wheel is obtained thus the ratio of warp velocity of base and crepe axis may be controlled during the whole weaving process .

    利用公式可制订调换变 换牙的时间表,从而能控制整个织造过程中泡、地经纱的送经比。

  • I plan to build a plywood triangle version similar to the plywood bike for testing seat-head tube angles and wheel base changes .

    我计划建立一个胶合板三角版本类似胶合板自行车测试“座头”管角度和 车轮 变化。

  • The grinding head contains a grinding head body having a sand wheel an electric motor and a base which can be connected with other machine tools .

    该磨头包括带沙 等的磨头主体,电动机及可与其它机床连接的 底座

  • This paper describes the main mechanical structure design of a power self-support in-pipe robot including the designs of power self-support part supporting wheel part and steering mechanism which provides a very important base for studying new power self-support in-pipe robots .

    详细论述了能源自给式管道机器人总体机械结构设计,包括发电蓄能部分结构设计、支撑 组件的设计和导向机构设计,为新型能源自给式管道机器人的研究奠定了 基础

  • By setting up a dynamics model of a wheel under applying emergency brake the process of usual and anti lock emergency brake for a wheel is analyzed to provide the theoretical base for hydraulic modulator design .

    通过建立 车轮紧急制动状态的动力学模型,对常规紧急制动和防抱紧急制动过程进行了理论分析,为液压调节器的设计提供了理论 依据

  • Obtaining Fault-Character of Wheel System 's Gear and Bearing Base on Second-Order Cyclic Spectra

    基于二阶循环谱技术提取 传动系齿轮、轴承故障特征