Welcome aboard


  • Welcome aboard ! said the driver .

    司机说:“ 欢迎 搭乘”!

  • F.A. : Welcome aboard . Your seats are up front there on the right .

    空服员: 欢迎搭乘本 班机。您的座位在右前方。

  • Welcome clients from home and aboard to visit us for possible cooperation and mutual benefit .

    我们 欢迎国内 客商和用户光临惠顾,增加 了解,促进合作,互惠互利,共同发展。

  • The Captain and crew welcome you aboard .

    船长和全体 船员 欢迎你。

  • Welcome the insight privates at home and aboard to negotiate and develop together .

    热诚 欢迎国内 有识之士前来洽谈,共同发展。

  • Ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard .

    女士们,先生们, 欢迎 登机

  • One stewardess stands at the front cabin door to welcome the Passengers aboard .

    一位女乘务员站在机舱门口 欢迎乘客 登机

  • I 'd like to welcome three new employees aboard .

    我向3位新 加盟的雇员 表示 欢迎

  • Uttered the commonplace welcome aboard ;

    说着乏味的话 欢迎 搭乘

  • We warmly welcome customers whom come form China and aboard to visit us sincerely cooperate with us and create a better future with us .

    我们热烈 欢迎海内外客户与我们一起 精诚合作、共创美好未来!

  • Morning madam ( sir ) . Welcome aboard !

    早上好,女士(先生)。 欢迎 登机

  • On behalf of China Airlines we welcome you aboard flight No.202 from Beijing China to Cleveland .

    谨代表华航 欢迎搭乘202从中国北京前往美国克里夫兰的班机。

  • Morning sir . Welcome aboard . Business class or economy ?

    早上好,先生。 欢迎 登机公务还是经济舱?

  • Welcome aboard this flight to London .

    欢迎 搭乘本班开往伦敦的飞机。

  • The staff members of our company cordially welcome guests both at home and aboard to visit us for business or cooperation .

    公司全体员工热忱 欢迎国内 客商前来公司参观,洽谈业务或合作!

  • Come to join me creww lad ? . welcome aboard .

    新加入的 水手吗, 欢迎