



  • Do you know her whereabouts ?

    你知道她的 下落吗?

  • We are currently trying to trace the whereabouts of certain sums of money

    我们目前正试图找到某些钱款的 下落

  • There were no clues to his whereabouts the fugitive had obviously gone to earth .

    逃犯的 行踪一点线索也没有,显而易见,他已躲藏了起来。

  • Whereabouts in Liverpool are you from ?

    你从利物浦 什么 地方来的?

  • I don 't suppose you know the whereabouts of my silver pen do you ?

    我想你不知道我银笔的 下落,对吗?

  • Who knows his whereabouts ?

    有谁知道他的 去处

  • The investigation and inuquiry into the whereabouts of the art treasures took years of work .


  • Police have still found no clues as to the whereabouts of the missing woman .

    有关那个失踪妇女的 下落,警方仍未发现任何线索。

  • The whereabouts of the colonel and his family are still unknown .

    卡扎菲上校和他的家人仍 下落不明。

  • How should I know his whereabouts ?

    我怎么知道他的 行踪

  • The present whereabouts of the child is unknown .

    那孩子目前 下落不明。

  • Tell him if he discovers our whereabouts .

    告诉他如果他发现我们的 行踪

  • No clue to his whereabouts has been found .

    至今没有找到有关他 行踪的线索。

  • How about the known whereabouts of the man who ruined your life ?

    那个毁了你一生的男人的 行踪怎么样?

  • His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far .

    迄今他的 下落全然未知。

  • My embassy has been informed of my whereabouts .

    我的大使馆已经获悉了我的 行踪

  • ' I actually live near Chester . ' — ' Whereabouts ? '

    “我实际上住在切斯特附近。”——“ 具体在哪里?”

  • We still have no information concerning her whereabouts .

    关于她的 下落,我们仍无消息。

  • I live in a village near to Germaine Greer and know whereabouts she lives .

    我住在 杰曼·格里尔家附近的村子里,知道她具体住在 哪儿

  • She called Amy to see if she had any idea of her son 's whereabouts . As it happened Amy had .

    她打电话给埃米,看她是否知道自己儿子的 行踪。埃米还真就知道。

  • He refused to divulge any information regarding the man 's whereabouts .

    关于那个人的 行踪他拒绝透露任何信息。

  • Whereabouts are you living ?

    你的 详细住址是 哪里

  • She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter

    她不肯透露她女儿的 行踪

  • The whereabouts of the missing child is still unknown .

    遗失的孩子还没有 着落

  • Still there 's no tip-off of his whereabouts .

    尽管如此仍然没有他 行踪的警告。

  • Once he knew his father 's name finding his whereabouts proved surprisingly easy .

    一旦他知道了父亲的名字,查找他父亲的 下落就变得出奇地容易。

  • The suspect 's whereabouts was still unknown to the police .

    警察仍然不知道嫌疑犯的 下落

  • The whereabouts of this man is unknown .

    这个人 去向不明。

  • His present whereabouts is unknown . ; His whereabouts is uncertain .

    他目前 下落不明。

  • His present whereabouts is unknown .
