


  • Based on these this article adopts some complex methods to build index system such as Delphi and AHP . The process includes the design principle and process the conception model index filtration weightiness .

    在这些理论基础上,本文运用德尔菲法、层次分析法等研究方法进行了指标体系的构建,包括确定设计的原则和流程、构建评价概念模型、筛选指标和 确定 权重

  • The Rough Sets theory is used to process the fault symptoms to reduce the number and dimension of the symptoms and to calculate the weightiness of every symptom .

    采用了粗糙集的方法对故障 案例 对应的故障征兆进行简约并计算 征兆值对于 表示 BIT 信息 重要度。

  • Cluster analysis of every city 's logistical weightiness in Anhui

    安徽省各城市物流 重要 聚类分析

  • As a required course of specialty of computer and mathematics in college Mathematical modeling has it 's significance and it also has it 's super weightiness in cultivating the students ' comprehensive ability .

    《数学模型》这门课程作为高校计算机专业或数学专业的一门必修课程有其重要性.而且,《数学模型》在培养高校学生综合能力方面也发挥着非常 重要的作用。

  • Weightiness Evaluation of Logistics Networks Nodes Based on Principle Component Analysis

    基于主成分分析的物流网络结点 重要性评价

  • At first simply introduces the definition weightiness status quo and the source of data of the distributed data mining . Then introduces two typical systems of the distributed data mining in detail .

    首先简单介绍了分布式数据挖掘的定义、 重要性、研究现状以及数据源,然后详细介绍了两个典型的分布式数据挖掘系统。

  • As well as utilizing main ingredient analyzing solves how to determine the distribution of weightiness about every evaluated index .

    同时也解决了利用主成分分析法如何决定各评价因子的 权重分配问题。

  • This indicates that the weightiness sequencing can be obtained by using the Meta-analysis in mineralization information . ( 4 ) This study applies the Fuzzy optimize model of multi-attribute decision-making characteristics to the multivariate metallogenic information meta-synthesis .

    利用Meta分析,能够 客观地获得各成矿信息 重要性的排序。(4)在多元成矿信息综合集成研究中引入了多属性模糊优选决策模型。

  • Bring forward the conception of ESD Event Weightiness and research the method of account of the Structure Weightiness and the Property Weightiness .

    提出了“ ESD事件 重要 ”概念,初步研究了“结构重要度”和“概率重要度”的计算方法。

  • This paper evaluates the Three - River Source Area ecosystems tourism resources in quantity by applying the hierarchy analysis method of indexes weightiness and designing the multi-index comprehensive evaluating model .

    本文采用指标 权重的层次分析法,建立了三江源区旅游资源的多指标综合评价模型,定量地评价了 自然 人文生态旅游资源。

  • Because of the inherent imbalance character of the weightiness distribution of the video information different part of the image and video coding acquire different QoS and can make different contributions to the rebuild of the image .

    由于视频信息自身有着内在 重要性分布不均衡的特性,图像和视频编码的不同部分对QoS的要求不同,对图像重建的贡献也不同。

  • Upon the indexes of spatial analyze to be study out the indexes ' weightiness of environments affection can be worked out through AHP arithmetic . The objective and quick analysis result can be got from the integration of spatial data and attribute data which GIS can deal with particularly .

    通过拟选出的空间分析指标,用AHP方法确定分析因子的影响 权重,利用GIS的空间数据与属性数据的整合能力和空间数据处理功能,得出客观、快速的分析结果。

  • This paper introduces four kinds of algorithms that have been used in this field such as Central Point Method Preponderant Area Method Weightiness Method and Areal Interpolation Method .

    该文介绍了矢量多边形 网格化的四类算法:中心点 归属法、面积占优法、 重要性法和面积内插法。

  • As for the external network relationship experience of cooperation and weightiness in the local market all can promote transfer performance .

    外部网络中的关系 互动信任与合作经验以及市场 重要性都能明显提升子 公司 知识转移绩效;

  • Weightiness Method is ordering the crunodes through comparing the weightiness of the crunodes .

    重要 法是通过综合量度区域内各结点相对重要性,来排定结点顺序,从而选择结点。

  • In part the section of analysis and evaluation of requirements puts forward the analytical method of requirements the evaluating criterion of requirements weightiness and the evaluating method of the meeting degree of requirements .

    在分项评估方面,管理需求的分析与评估环节提出了分析需求的方法、评估需求 重要性的原则及评估需求满足程度的方法;

  • Aiming at two problems in the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) application we first introduce complementary duality contrast rule is separates weightiness from advantage and transform advantage into weightiness .

    针对层次分析法(AHP)存在的两个根本问题,采用互补性二元对比准则,将 重要性与优越性分开处理,分别 确定 评价 指标 满足 和权重;

  • The delivering route selection of supply chain is the result of multi-nodal companies ' decision . The weightiness of indexes that supply chain members make are primarily made sure with the method of most entropy technology .

    供应链配送路线选择是多个节点企业共同决策的结果,对于供应链成员共同决策的评价指标,用最大熵的技术来确定初步的 权重

  • Basing on the established system of forewarning management on port operation safety this paper provides a series of monitor indexes and evaluates the weightiness of monitor index with the method of analytic hierarchy process .

    基于已构建的港口安全生产预警管理系统,设计了安全生产的预警指标体系,并采用层次分析法对指标体系各指标的 权重 予以 确认

  • Empirical Study on the Determining and Weightiness of Factors and Index Affecting Firm 's PD

    违约 评估因素与指标确定及其 重要 排序实证研究

  • Traditional research methods about postural control were analyzed . The influencing factors on posture selection through experiments was investigated and compared the weightiness in these factors .

    分析了人体姿势控制的一般研究方法,通过实验研究了姿势选择的影响因子,以及影响因子 重要 的比较情况。

  • The paper analyses the Extranet 's safe plan through weightiness the factors that should be considered goal establishment .

    在分析外联网安全计划时,主要从外联网安全计划的 重要性、制定外联网安全计划应考虑的因素、 所外联网安全计划目标的制定三方面来论述。

  • The planning methods are the Weightiness Method and Dynamic Clustering Method .

    枢纽 物流 中心的规划方法采用 重要 法及动态聚类法。

  • During the evaluation AHP was used to calculate the weightiness of each index and fuzzy evaluation method was used to give out the final result .

    在评价中,采用层次分析法来确定各个指标 权重,采用模糊评价来得到综合评价结果。

  • Then comparing between every two factors have done and get the sort order by weightiness of all factors by using Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

    然后用层次分析法(AHP)对各 因素进行两两 成对比较,得到各因素的 相对 重要性排序;

  • This article attaches weightiness to the premises and ways of the historical accumulating of philosophy and advances a method of Annotation Philosophy .

    本论文注意 总结哲学史 的前提和途径, 初步提出了训诂哲学的方法,这两个方面, 决定了本论文的 框架

  • The analysis of X-RD of the corrosion products is adopted ; the curves of add weightiness of corrosion is translated into the thermal dynamic curves so we can judge the corrosion mechanism by the thermal analysis .

    并对腐蚀产物进行 X-RD衍射分析,对腐蚀增 曲线进行转化,利用热分析动力学的分析方法对反应机理作出判断,从理论上研究锅炉水冷壁高温腐蚀机理。

  • Because of the weightiness and particularity of governmental information the progress of the national and social informatization is determined by the standard of government informatization .

    由于政府信息的 重要性和特殊性,决定了政府信息化的程度将直接影响到整个国家和社会的信息化进程。

  • The weightiness of Computer English .

    《计算机专业英语 重要性