weld crack

[wɛld kræk][weld kræk]


  • Through analysis on inside weld forming and welding procedure of SSAW pipe it pointed out weld crack is easy to appear in brittle temperature zone in welding pool .

    通过对螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝成型和焊接过程的分析,指出 焊缝 裂纹易产生在焊接熔池脆性温度区。

  • To do mycology analysis to the blank parent and its cracking weld for different procedure treatment to the blank before welding and occur weld crack during welding forming by different welding method .

    用不同焊接方法,对坯料焊前作不同工艺处理,焊接成形时出现 焊缝 开裂,对其坯料母材及开裂焊缝作显微分析。

  • Coke tower is the key equipment in delayed coking unit in oil refinery . High temperature cyclic temperature fatigue and coking and decoking process may bring about local serious deformation and base metal weld crack on the tower in a long time service .

    焦炭塔是炼油厂延迟焦化的关键设备,长期在高温及充焦和除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,塔体常出现局部严重变形和母材 焊缝 开裂问题。

  • The influences of nickel-based alloys spraying layer on the weld crack sensitivity were studied through simulating actual welding experiment in this paper .

    通过模拟实际焊接试验,研究了镍基合金喷焊层对 焊接 裂纹敏感性的影响。

  • Weld crack is one of the major failure modes during its normal work process .

    焊缝 开裂 甚至 断裂 盘工作中的主要失效形式之一。

  • Cause Analysis of Weld Crack on 20R + 410S Clad Plate Head and Its Repair Technology

    20R+410S复合板封头 焊缝 裂纹原因分析及修复工艺

  • Analysis and Control to Weld Crack of Spiral Welded Pipe with Small Forming Angle

    小成型角螺旋焊管 焊缝 裂纹的分析与控制

  • 12 guide blade during the second routine repair . Except that a crack on No. 15 guide blade is the previous weld crack other cracks on No.

    除15号导叶有一条裂纹为上一次 焊缝 裂纹外,4号1、5号导叶的其他裂纹为 新增 裂纹,针对这一情况进行分析和处理。

  • The combined weld crack failure of tensile brace tube and local buckling failure of compressive brace tube .

    受压支管端部局部屈曲与受拉支管 焊缝 断裂的联合破坏。

  • Analysis for inner weld crack in middle-pressure gas tank

    中压气罐 焊缝裂纹分析

  • The effects of three kinds of combined weld on the weld crack of medium-carbon alloy steels are studied by using slit type cracking test and microscopic analysis method .

    采用Y形坡口裂纹试验和显微分析方法,研究了三种不同的组合焊缝对中碳合金钢 焊接 裂纹的影响。

  • An expert system of welding crack diagnosis based on knowledge base is posed according to the analysis of characteristic of weld crack .

    从分析 焊接 裂纹的特点出发,提出了基于知识库的焊接裂纹诊断专家系统。

  • The hydrogenation pipe would weld crack after running for some time as high temperature and high pressure and the phenomenon was rare .

    高温高压临氢管道运行一段时间发现 多道 焊缝 裂纹,较为罕见。

  • This article introduces the weld crack happened to the bulletproof steel plate of a naval ship analyzes its reasons and presents prevention measures .

    文章介绍了某型舰船防弹钢板 焊接 裂纹的情况,对原因进行了分析,并提出了一些相应的预防措施。

  • The sensitivity exponent of weld crack is calculated .

    计算了 材料 焊接 裂纹敏感性指数;

  • Reason and control countermeasure of the weld crack happened to the bulletproof steel plate of the naval ship

    某型舰用防弹钢板 焊接 裂纹的原因分析及控制

  • The application status of magnetic particle testing penetrant testing eddy current testing radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing in weld crack inspector were introduced .

    介绍了磁粉检测、渗透检测、涡流检测、射线检测和超声波检测技术在 焊接 裂纹检测中的应用状况。

  • Inside Weld Crack Analysis and Control of SSAW Pipe

    螺旋埋弧焊管内 焊缝 裂纹分析与控制

  • To the U type weld crack origin nated in weld material then enlarged to HAZ simulation gave good prediction for this process .

    U型 焊缝宏观 裂纹产生于焊缝,最后向热影响区扩展,有限元仿真也很好的预测了这一过程,验证了模型的正确性。

  • Analysis of weld crack of crane 's steel structure

    起重机钢结构 焊缝 裂纹的研究

  • Reason Analysis and Treatment of Weld Crack in Water Drain Valve Base of Spiral Casing in Longtan Hydropower Station

    龙滩电站蜗壳排水阀阀座 焊接 裂纹 产生原因及处理

  • Some new technologies such as infrared thermal imaging laser holography and microwave testing were prospected in the testing of weld crack .

    对红外热成像检测、激光全息检测和微波检测新技术在 焊接 裂纹检测中的应用进行了展望。

  • Analysis & modification on weld crack of furnace pipe in the boiler for recovering waste heat

    废热锅炉炉管 焊接 裂纹分析及改造

  • The main reason is the effect of weld toe and weld crack on the fatigue limit .

    疲劳断口分析认为, 焊缝的焊趾和 裂纹是影响高强钢疲劳强度的主要原因。

  • The temperature regulator tube plate and steel tube beam work in the frequent change of temperature for a long time their high alternating pressure make the tube plate 's weld crack and tube beam leak .

    减温器管板和钢管束长期工作在频繁变化的温度中,交变压力很大,造成管板 焊缝 经常 开裂,管束泄漏。

  • Nondestructive testing research and followed site verification was carried out for the lots in-service urea reactor layer and weld crack defects and acquired a reliable multilayer urea reactor detection method .

    针对大量在用尿塔层板和 焊缝 裂纹缺陷,进行了无损检验研究工作,并进行了现场解剖验证,得到了较为可靠的尿塔检验方法。

  • Influences of nickel-based alloys spraying layer on weld crack sensitivity of compound steel pipe

    复合钢管中镍基合金喷焊层对 焊缝 裂纹敏感性的影响

  • Weld crack controlling for closed rib joint of highway steel stayed-cable bridge

    公路钢斜拉桥闭口肋 焊接 裂纹的控制

  • Influence of laser shock processing on properties of SiC_p / Cu composite weld crack restored by electro-spark overlaying

    激光冲击对电火花修复SiC p/Cu复合材料 裂纹力学性能的影响

  • Weld Crack Existing in Long Natural Gas transportation Piping and Prevention Methods

    天然气长输管道 焊接 裂纹及防范对策