

n.轮子旋转Wheels 汽车有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等)



  • The wheel of fortune will swing round again ; in politics it always does


  • In his view the wheel of history could not be turned back .

    在他看来历史的 车轮不能倒退。

  • The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force .

    历史 车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。

  • The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention .


  • He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house

    他把自行车 推进了房子旁的小巷中。

  • A flock of crows wheeled overhead .

    一群乌鸦在头顶上 盘旋

  • Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure .

    任何要使历史 倒退的企图都是注定要失败的。

  • She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter .

    突然 转身,朝收银台走去。

  • The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape .

    自行车的 前轮变形了。

  • Holes can be worn remarkably quickly by a wheel going round at 60mph

    以每小时60英里的速度前进的 车轮很快就会磨出洞来。

  • Our culture is more complex than he knows . Wheels within wheels .

    我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多, 相当庞杂。

  • The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road .

    路面上有些油,汽车 车轮 经过时直打滑。

  • The teeth of the wheel gear into each other .


  • The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball 's path to randomise its movement

    设计 轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。

  • A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel bursting the tyre and denting the rim

    我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、 轮辋凹陷。

  • The wheel of the car has come off .

    汽车 车轮掉了。

  • ' Do you own a house ? ' — ' No. But I have wheels . '

    “你有房吗?”——“没有,但我有 。”

  • Roberto handed Flynn the keys and let him take the wheel .

    罗伯托把钥匙递给弗林,让他 开车

  • He wheeled around to face her

    突然 转过身来面对她。

  • He downshifted and turned the steering wheel .


  • He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly .

    他知道行政机关 办事 效率低。

  • He saw the driver slumped over the wheel .

    他看见司机一头栽在了 方向 上。

  • An oil seal was replaced along with both front wheel bearings .

    换了一个油封和两个 前轮轴承。

  • My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel

    我的副驾驶突然抓住了 方向

  • America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right .

    如果制造的汽车 方向 在右边的,美国可能会在这些岛屿卖出更多的汽车。

  • Unfortunately I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep .

    令人遗憾的是我开起 吉普来还是笨手笨脚。

  • Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel clamped or towed away .

    未经许可停放的车辆将会被 夹锁住或拖走。

  • Curtis got behind the wheel and they started back toward the cottage

    由柯蒂斯 开车,他们启程返回小屋。

  • They wheeled her out on the stretcher .

    他们 担架床 了出去。

  • Engine cut-out devices and steering wheel locks do not protect the car 's contents .

    发动机断电装置和方向 锁无法保护汽车的内部。