weld interface

[wɛld ˈɪntɚˌfes][weld ˈintəfeis]


  • The phase constituents microstructure and hardness distribution near YG30 / weld interface was analyzed by means of scanning electronic microscopy ( SEM ) X-rays analyzer and microhardness tester .

    通过扫描电镜、X射线衍射、显微硬度分析了YG30/ 焊缝 界面区的相组成、组织和硬度分布。结果表明,填充材料在Fe-C合金的基础上,适当增加Co含量可以减少或抑制η相形成。

  • Influence of Stress State Adjacent to Weld Interface on Creep Rupture Behavior of Dissimilar Metal Welded Joints

    焊缝 界面区域应力状态对异种钢接头蠕变断裂行为的影响

  • This paper models the acicular ferrite continuous transformation kinetics in the weld based on the direct growth on the inclusions inert interface and the simulation results accord with the experimental value well .

    建立了基于夹杂物惰性 界面直接生长的 焊缝针状铁素体的连续转变动力学模型,仿真结果与实际试验结果能很好地吻合。

  • According to the basis theory of linear friction welding and the representative weld process the frictional characteristics of relative slippage surface and the influence that interface load temperature and relative rubbing velocity act on the interface coefficient of friction is analyzed .

    本文针对线性摩擦焊接典型的 焊接过程,分析了相对滑动 表面的摩擦学特性及载荷、温度、相对摩擦速度对摩擦系数的影响;

  • The results show that the weld nugget is composed of 6 μ m grains and there is no sew between the interface of two sheets observed ;

    结果表明, 核区由平均尺寸6μm的晶粒组成,并且已无上下板的 界面痕迹;

  • Meanwhile the weld is flat the interface bonding is good .

    同时, 焊缝平整规则, 界面结合良好。

  • The results show that the defects in the weld such as interface reactant and pore are the key factors to reduce the material weldability .

    研究发现, 焊缝中存在的 界面反应物、气孔缺陷,是导致该种材料焊接性显著降低的主要因素。

  • A moving free interface is formed by interaction between welding arc and weld pool . How to deal with the interface is the key to realize coupling interaction between welding arc and pool .

    电弧与 池的交互作用在两者之间形成了一个不断移动变化的自由界面,对 界面的处理是实现电弧与 池交互耦合的关键。

  • The results indicated that the fracture occured along the low strength base metal or weld metal adjacent to the weld interface for high strength match and low strength match joints and showed a brittle character .

    结果表明,高强匹配和低强匹配接头均沿着邻近 焊缝 界面的低强度母材或焊缝侧发生断裂,并呈脆断特征;