wound excision

[wund ɪkˈsɪʒən][wu:nd ekˈsɪʒɵn]

[医] 清创法

  • The comprehensive hemostasia measures in the operations of burn wound excision and grafting

    烧伤 植皮手术中的综合止血措施

  • Wound excision in hypovolemic phase alters the inflammatory response and T cell immunity in burn rats

    大鼠 烧伤休克期手术对炎症反应和T细胞免疫的影响

  • The timing for the first wound excision and grafting in massive burn patient

    大面积烧伤病人首次 术时机选择的探讨

  • Evaluation of primary closure of perineal wound following abdomino perineal excision

    腹会阴直肠 切除 会阴 伤口一期缝合的评估

  • Objective To observe the effect of acellular allogenic dermis or acellular porcine dermis together with split thickness autologous skin graft on coverage of deep burn wound and the wound of scar excision .

    目的观察去细胞异体真皮或去细胞猪真皮加自体刃厚皮移植在深度 烧伤和整形 外科中的应用 效果

  • Methods The skin stretching device designed by ZHOU Li an which was used in the treatment of the granulation wound the donor site of flap and the skin defect after the excision of tumor by skin traction technique at the wound edges .

    方法采用周黎安自行设计的针爪结合的皮肤伸展器,在皮肤缺损创缘行皮肤伸展 ,治疗 肉芽 创面、供皮瓣创面及肿瘤 切除后的缺损 34

  • Informatory Response in the Hypovolemic Phase Wound Excision Burn Rats

    大鼠烧伤休克期 烧伤后炎症反应的影响

  • Conclusion This study demonstrated that the release of EGF FGF-2 and PDGF-AB from wound tissue could be enhanced by tangential excision within 24 hours and thus would promote the healing process in deep partial thickness burn .

    结论 24h内削 手术可以促进 局部 创面组织释放EGF、FGF-2和PDGF-AB,促进新生肉芽形成,有利于深二度烧伤创面愈合。

  • Conclusion acellular allogenic spilt thickness dermis or acellular porcine split thickness dermis with autologous split thickness dermis for coverage of deep burn wound and the wound of scar excision is an ideal material .

    结论去细胞异体真皮或去细胞猪真皮加自体刃厚皮移植修复深度烧伤创面或 创面不失?

  • Skin flap transfer could mostly satisfy the function requirements of facies for the wound that was not able to be sutured after excision .

    对于 切除后不能直接缝合的 创面,皮瓣转移是最能满足颜面部形态功能需要的修复方法;

  • Conclusion The first wound excision plays a very important role in the whole cause of severe burns .

    结论首次 成功与否对严重烧伤整个疗程的治疗至关重要;

  • CTnI peaked when obvious burn wound exudation or eschar spontaneous separation . cTnI decreased after surgical excision .

    当患者 创面渗出明显或焦痂自然剥离时,cTnI水平升至峰值,手术 后,cTnI水平逐渐下降。

  • The allograft skin with high viability can ensure the performance of extensive wound excision .

    2活力良好的异体皮是 休克 创面覆盖的有力保证。

  • Treatment of severe burns complicated with hypernatremia by large area wound excision

    大面积 治愈特大面积烧伤合并顽固性高钠血症2例

  • Conclusion MEBO can promote wound healing post excision of anal fistula with CO2 laser .

    结论湿润烧伤膏可促进肛瘘二氧化碳激光 创面愈合。

  • Use of cryopreserved allograft in extensive wound excision and closure of the major burned patients in their shock stage & A clinical investigation

    大面积烧伤患者休克期 冷冻异体皮植皮的临床疗效

  • Effects of early wound excision on hepatic blood flow in burned rats

    早期 手术对烧伤大鼠肝血流量的影响

  • This paper presents an analysis and comparision between two different methods of perineal wound management following abdominoperineal excision .

    对115例腹会阴直肠 切除 会阴 伤口的两种不同处理方法进行分析比较。

  • Method 46 cases including traumatic soft tissue defect bedsore wound the donor site of flap and the skin defect after the excision of tumor were repaired by simple skin stretching using Kirschner pin and steel wire .

    方法采用克氏针、钢丝行简易皮肤伸展术,治疗四肢软组织缺损、褥疮 创面、肿瘤 切除 后缺损、皮瓣供区创面共46例。

  • Conclusion Wound excision in the hypovolemic phase for thermal injured rats can not cut-off systemic inflammatory response after burn trauma but it could attenuate the inflammatory response . And the condition of the patient becomes stable with further treatment .

    结论大鼠烧伤休克期 切除 创面,虽然不能阻止烧伤后全身炎症反应的发生,但能减轻炎症反应,使病情趋于稳定。